• Spring 2003
    I met him on the bus ride home
    Dark hair, dark eyes, little on the heavy side
    We had so much in common
    He was the reason I like some of the things I do today

    We became fast friends
    But soon, I felt more
    I let my feelings slip around one of his friends
    (Damn his persistence)
    His friend let it ‘slip’ to him

    He caught me on the bus that day
    ‘Ace said you liked me’
    My face turned red as I nodded
    ‘Well, I like you too’
    Never had that happened to me before

    I was happy
    No one had ever liked me before
    We were never together though
    We moved the day after
    And I never saw him again

    Spring 2006
    I had known him for a few years
    He was among the first to introduce himself
    When I arrived at a new school
    We were just friends then

    The feeling hit me so suddenly
    I still don’t know where it came from
    Or why it happened
    We had very little in common
    It was his personality that got me

    He wasn’t interested in me
    I was still just his friend
    I knew that
    I knew it all too well
    But that didn’t stop me from trying

    Prom was coming quickly
    I wanted to be the one on his arm
    Two minutes before I gathered the courage to ask him
    I overheard him confidently telling his friends
    ‘I’m taking Yufei to the Prom’

    Spring 2007

    I met him through a former friend
    Dark hair, blue eyes, a smile that could make anyone melt
    First time we met
    I felt nothing

    Second time was much like the first
    We talked, we laughed
    We became semi-friends
    He wasn’t single
    And I didn’t care either way

    Third time we met
    We became better friends
    And I began to feel something
    He still wasn’t single
    And I couldn’t think to come between them

    She finally left him for another
    Depressed him to no end
    I tried to help as best I could
    But he saw my underlying reason
    ‘You’re sweet, but I’ll never be over her’

    Spring 2008
    For three years I had known you
    We were friends from day one
    So easy to get along with
    It was impossible not to like you

    I had feelings for you
    Since the beginning of the year
    But I couldn’t bring myself to tell you
    I had lost three others by trying
    I couldn’t handle losing you

    Our spring breaks fell on different weeks
    Mine came first
    It was difficult waiting to talk to you
    It always has been
    But I managed to wait

    Yours followed after mine
    You spent yours well
    Staying with your friends
    While I waited patiently
    For you to spend time with me again

    This Spring
    My feelings for you have escalated
    I’m in love for the first time
    I’ve never felt so good and so bad
    All at once

    I feel so great
    When I’m talking to you
    Everything you say makes me smile
    I’ve never before felt this way
    And I hope it never ends

    I also feel terrible
    When I don’t get to hear your voice
    I worry myself sick
    My mind works against me
    Telling me this is all too good to be true

    Our breaks fall on the same week this year
    Yet we won’t get to talk
    Other engagements are taking you away
    Please let me at least hear your voice a few times
    Ten minutes without you is agonizing enough

    …A week will kill me…