• Wishing to turn back time,
    to go to a time were everything was alright.
    To a time were we were still together and didn’t have to worry.
    But now I have to decide whether I can forgive you or not,
    whether I want you back on my life or let you go;
    to live in the past or move on.

    Its reaping me apart…no matter I do or think…its breaking what little of my heart was left.
    I just wish I knew what to do.
    I want you back but I don’t want to be hurt anymore,
    I have had enough of hurting ,
    by being hurt by those I care most; my precious people.

    I cry and I cry, but I still can’t decide.
    Up or down, right or left, south or north, east or west;
    there are so many things I have to decide upon but I never imagine that I would have to decide this.
    I have lost so much already I don’t think I could loose anything else anymore.
    If I weren’t so weak I would have been gone a long time ago for my heart is broken and there nothing left for me out there.