• The scene fades in without a hitch.
    A scream is made in the loudest pitch.
    No one blinks, no one stirs.
    Her cries for help go unheard.
    She begs for a savior as tears begin to fall,
    Every thought leads back to how she lost it all.

    Making an exit from the crowd before her,
    She runs for the bathroom, undecided no longer.
    Reaching for metal that has bitten before,
    She prays this metal savior will save her once more.
    She presses firm as red water runs.
    She hopes to her god her time has come.

    This life she was leading was full of despair.
    Everyday was depressing, obnoxious, and unfair.
    As red ran faster, her heart began to pound.
    Her entire life flashed as she hit the ground.
    Waking with a gasp, she turned to her lover,
    "Finally," She thought, "That nightmare is over..."