• Tears cloud my vision..
    Stain the crystal blue of my angelic eyes, as I stand alone in the damp and cold
    Shrouded by the cloak of darkness I tremble in fear
    Haunted by the shadows of the past,
    Lost in the vastness of the grim future.

    I mourn the loss of humanity
    Watch what is left of the world destroyed
    Watch as thieves take to the vacant streets like filthy rats--
    Running from unseen monsters,
    Which only turn out to be their very own shadows

    I watched the golden towners burn--
    Saw them crumble to the ground like castles made of sand...
    I heard the silent pleas for forgiveness as the dying lie screaming in the streets
    "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned!"
    What has this world come too?

    --The world ceased to be today--

    Along with my petty hopes and dreams
    So violently was it tatterd by tyrants and corrupted politicans who dared call themselves Gods
    Together they buried it in a shallow grave
    The Keeper of the Kingdom was theonly one to bear the monstrosity any witness--
    A facade of stone was all he could muster

    The only justice served was engraved on a headstone
    Placed ever so precariously on the edge of my sanity--
    It read only these words:
    "Here lies a great nation--
    Forever to stand alone in silent desperation."