• just when you think things can't get anymore crappy

    you find out something that makes you want to break down & cry & that love is truly the color of blackness

    & u try not to give in but you do any way & you know your friends -the little you have- will get mad at you but u still do it

    you still try to rid yourself of the pain that goes back to when you were younger feeling & knowing for the first time

    you grab it & hold it in your hands knowing it will let you escape real life for awhile

    the mental pain is gone replaced with a new

    it might stain but you dont care because life dosnt hold much meaning for the broken

    u cry some more leaving you emotionaly drained

    you ask why it had to be this way

    why you

    why now

    you think how could it be this way were did i go wrong

    you hate the world for doing this to you

    you sigh & get rid of the evedence knowing that your pillow will be wet befor you finaly shut down

    & to the days after you try & act normal but no one realy knows how much your hurting inside