• These

    These poems that I write,
    Are my infirrior thoughts,
    These poems that I do dream at night,
    sad and happy,
    maby even fright,
    These thoughts I will not fight,
    Untill the dawn comes into sight,
    So lonly.

    These are the pictures that I draw,
    Things that I have seen,
    Things that I have saw,
    Good or bad,
    But alwayse a flaw,
    that remindes me of things so lonly,
    So moarnfull.

    All these things I do read,
    remindes me of moarnfullness,
    I do plead,
    That you take me far away,
    and I re-grow with a seed,
    into somthing new,
    So un-true.

    All these thngs that I do,
    so complecated and random,
    all lead to somthing new,
    The thought of something lonly and moarnfull,
    go away when I say "I love you,"
    Finaly happy.
