• The Missing Soldier

    I sat there,
    watching him over the dumb video phone,
    he kept telling me how much he missed me,
    and how he felt so alone.

    Then suddenly, there was a big bang,
    He cried out, and I watched the bebri fly over him,
    I called out his name, and I called out his name,
    and he got up,
    as his leader came in.

    There was another blast,
    and he was gone! All static!
    I cried so hard,
    because I knew that that was it!

    And then with one call
    my life was over!
    I knew that,
    I was no longer sober!

    I waited a while,
    maybe a couple of days,
    I thought of how I could be with him,
    in so many ways.

    I prayed hard,
    like never before,
    for somthing to stop me,
    like a knock on my door...

    I gasped quietly,
    I couldn't believe it,
    I almost screamed in shock,
    and I cried a bit.

    I approached the door,
    and looked outside,
    I fell to the floor,
    because of the grand surprise!

    He quickly picked me up,
    wiping away my tearsm
    he kept me close,
    which hadn't been done in years.

    Now is:


    I'm so happy,
    when i see you,
    everyday you make me glad,
    by doing somthing new.

    I love to watch the Stars with you,
    because i see them in your eyes,
    then you kiss me quietly,
    much to my surprise.

    I smile at you,
    to let you know I'm glad,
    then you smile back at me,
    and it's happiness you add.

    Then i watch the Stars again,
    In your eyes are the ones I see,
    and you stare directly back,
    not in my eyes, but at me.

    Sky flowers fly about us,
    but we don't even care,
    because it's only us,
    and the Stars, that are here.

    I'm not sure if you wanted this one or not,m i can't remember...

    But here's

    It Chased Me

    I was runningm
    My black and red Converse slapped the snowy ground,
    as my legs pumped,
    trying to get away from the sound...

    that was behind me.

    I do not recall what I had seen,
    but it had eyes of red,
    and fur of green,
    no I can't tell you what I saw that day,

    I'm sure if i told you,
    there'd be no remorse,
    you'd lock me up,
    in an asylum of course...

    So I just kept running,
    Run Run away.

    I turned the corner,
    and to my surprise,
    there it was,
    with it's glowing red eyes...

    So, I ran again, and kept running.

    I ignored the burning in my lungs,
    my racing heart,
    and my dry tounge,

    Yes... I just kept running.

    But I lost that day,
    in a very weird way,
    the beast caught up to me,
    just to say...

    "I need your help...
    why'd you run?"
    Then a light went on in my head,
    like the blast of a gun...

    Then I knew.

    He set me down,
    and scratched his muzzle,
    like he couldn't find,
    a piece of his puzzle...

    in his mind.

    "Please," He growled,
    "Will you help me find,
    my little bell,
    that always chimes,
    to the time?"

    I smiled and said,
    "I know where it is,"
    and he showed his teeth.

    I pulled out the bell,
    and said,
    "I found it in my well."

    He smiled wider and said,
    "That's where I'm from,"
    Then the bell started chiming,
    like the beat of a drum.

    I wrote a couple more after I left lunch, so i'm going to type them so if you want to put them on your gaia you can.
    Remeber, they are by SAM!!!

    Next up:

    The Robot Zoo

    They're always watching us,
    always there,
    can you hear them breathing,
    can see, and feel their stare?

    They have us under a tight schedule,
    they have us follow rules,
    they make us conform,
    they treat us like buffoons.

    They're always watching us,
    always there,
    can you hear them breathing,
    can see, and feel their stare?

    Now that we've,
    found out their plan,
    we're stuck here,
    on their frying pan.

    The only way,
    we can get out,
    we'll have to act,
    and scream, and pout.

    If we turn out,
    like they want us to,
    they send us into the world...

    The Robot Zoo.

    Absence of Heat

    There's something missing...

    The seat under me,
    The wind on my cheek,
    The ground i walk on,
    All the warmth is gone.

    It's all cold.

    With all the Absence of Heat,
    from the tips of my fingers above me head,
    to the tips of my feet.

    With all the cold,
    I fear,
    I will never have another,
    whisper their love into my ear.

    I watch the leaves on the ground,
    because I can't seem to find,
    that special someone,
    I had in mind.

    All of these things,
    that have led to defeat,
    are all because,
    of my Absence of Heat.