• One moment, In a flash
    You see them run see them dash
    In the heat of the moment
    The spirit of the game
    You know the goal for which they aim
    They rush to get to the lines and fight
    They go to fight, fight for their right
    In the shadows they get silent
    You know that it could be violent
    They load their weapons, hands on the clips
    Some of them anxiously licking their lips
    Because some of them, they know for their country may die
    The captain stands tall and with a sigh
    He sends them in while explosions rock the sky
    Silently they rush into the lines
    While the light of the full moon shines
    The silence is broken as they start to fire
    The shots ringing out like a choir
    After the battle they do retire
    Back to their trenches through the smoke
    Winning the freedom of which their leader spoke.

    Many lives were lost that day
    A heavy price they had to pay
    For the freedom they hold so dear
    And so they mourned those who died here
    They took the bodies and buried them tortured
    Seeing past friends lying in the orchard
    The battle, it had taken its toll
    Yet the gears toward freedom continued to roll.