• The sin of the flame
    Tickles the angels wings
    And he speaks to himself
    “I want to die.”
    His heart is broken,
    His love unspoken.
    Why dose he refuse to fly?
    The spiral in which
    He fell downward
    Has reached and end
    And what’s left of his sanity
    Begins to bend.
    He thinks that
    He’s a shame.
    As he places blame on himself.

    This angel’s name
    I dare not speak,
    He was held close to my heart
    That he gently tore apart
    As feather after feather
    On his lovely wings were set aflame.
    Why dose he refuse to fly?
    Instead he whispers to no one
    But the flame,
    “Please hurry, I want to die!”
    His wings now ablaze
    And his body blackening
    As blood drips from his wrists and arms
    Falling to the flame of transgression
    He burns, wings and all
    In the small shed
    That is no longer.
    Wings to ashes,
    And soul to afar.

    Deep in the woods,
    In the shed that’s no more
    The angel’s cries have died
    What a shame,
    So young,
    The angel fell
    To burn in hell.
    The bloody scars,
    The cries,
    The thoughts
    That did not subside.
    His wings, once beautiful
    Burnt and broken
    Along with bent sanity
    And love he had ruined
    His wings no longer shine,
    And he now,