• Why to me have trials been given?
    Why me? Why me?
    Left and right they come to me
    Again, I ask, why me?

    What is the reason for these trials?
    Show me, Lord, show me.
    There has to be a reason.
    Again, I beg, show me.

    Hear me Lord as I cry out
    Give me strength, give me strength.
    I know you give to those who ask
    Again I ask for strength.

    I know you know whats best for me
    Give me guidance, dear Lord.
    I know you will lead me in theright direction
    Again, I ask for your guidance.

    Through all the things that could happen
    Give me peace, give me peace.
    I don't know what the next day could bring
    Again, I ask for peace.

    I know I let my temper out
    Give me temperance, give me temperance.
    Help me hold in my anger
    Again, I ask for temperance.

    I can be impatient when it comes to decision making
    Give me patience, give me patience.
    Let me wait for the decision that will be made.
    Again, I ask for patience.

    Even when things are going wrong
    Give me joy, give me joy.
    Help me to remember that You are in control
    Again, I ask for joy.

    It seems like this pain has no end
    Give me confidence, give me confidence.
    So I can keep my head up high
    Again, I ask for confidence.

    I know You have the power
    Give me faith, give me faith
    To know that You will protect me
    Again, I ask for faith.