• Helen Keller was born
    The 27th of June
    Her life was great
    Until and illness came crashing too soon
    Who knew
    That this illness was a fatal disease
    Her momma laid beside her
    "Please, oh please"
    "Save me"
    Is what Helen kept in state of mind
    Until her illness went away
    And left her deaf and blind
    Her parents tried to search for a cure
    When one doctor said no
    Help then lured and lured
    and on
    The third 1887
    A blessing was sent!
    Straight from Heaven
    The teacher pumped the water from the pump
    With all her might
    Helen smiled
    She was shone by a light
    The older she grew
    The stronger she became
    She was a hero to many
    And lives would never be the same
    She done
    A lot of things by herself
    And that's how I learned
    To keep respect for myself