• The first time I met you,
    You told me life was like a desert.
    Barren and wasted.
    And I pondered and told you
    Life was more like a flower
    Waiting to bloom.
    And you said I was stupid
    And the world hadn't gotten to me yet

    On the way home with you,
    You told me your glass was half empty
    And asked me what I thought of that.
    And I shrugged, and told you
    If it bothers you so much, get a refill.
    And you got angry
    And stormed away.

    The night I took you to prom,
    You told me there was no future for you,
    That you'd given up all hope.
    And I held you close to me, and told you
    If you've given up,
    I can give you mine
    And we can share a future.

    The day I found you
    In your bathroom
    The bottle laying on the floor next to you
    You said you didn't care
    It didn't matter
    Love was a lie
    Beauty even more so
    And I called the number
    And held your hair as you heaved
    And waited for you to return
    As you went away in the ambulance

    The day I met you again
    It seemed like the first time
    But this time
    You took my hand
    And you looked in my eyes
    And asked if I would help you
    Start over
    And teach you to see the beauty and hope
    You so craved