• I woke up to the sound of rain,
    Plink-plunk it sounds against the window pane,
    I throw the cover to the floor,
    Quick get dressed and run out the door.
    The rain is pouring down hard,
    But I just run into the back yard,
    Jumping in the puddles of water and mud,
    And smile at the fun,
    I jump, twirl, and twist,
    Fore I got my wish,
    Just one day of rain,
    So I could play in the rain,
    And be so oblivious to the cold,
    Told that I would catch a cold,
    But do I ever do what I am told?
    But they shouldn’t mind,
    Fore when everybody shall hide,
    I shall be the one dancing around,
    And laugh when I fall to the ground,
    And if I get hurt I don’t feel the pain,
    Because I get to play in the rain,
    People may think I may be insane, crazy, and senile,
    But I won’t go in to denial,
    I maybe all of those,
    But do they know the joy of being soaked head to toe,
    No the don’t ,
    They tell me to go in but I won't,
    Because I got to play in the rain,
    The poring rain,
    When it stops,
    I stand there and pout,
    Fore the rain is gone
    Gone, gone gone.
    So I tread back in the house soaked,
    My family looks at me shocked,
    But I just shrug,
    And stop on the rug,
    I sit on the floor and take off my shoes and socks,
    And say "Well at least i don't also QUACK like the ducks
    I get up and turn and grab a towel with a wish,
    For another day to play in the rain.