• He is a very sensitive and small part of my life, that will always hold an unforgettable special place in my heart. We met the last two months of school in ninth grade. I disliked him a little, i thought he was weird and odd. He made a simple conversation, and that’s where our friendship took off. Isn’t it funny? How one word can start a wonderful friendship? Ah, yes. He slowly grew on me. He was ;exciting, hilarious and very nice. A fresh breath of air, to someone like me. He’s someone i quickly grew attached to, we were inseparable and he was my whole world at one point. I couldn’t imagine being without him. Ever. I gave him my number so he could text me. It did take me awhile to get him to, he said he “ ain’t about that texting life, he was more about that outside life, so i better feel special.” Oh, I felt special alright. We texted everyday for about five months, all day. Everyday. We talked about all sorts of things. We became so comfortable with each other. Summer started and we were always together. We talked on the phone until four A.M. He admitted getting attached to me. My parents are strict, so that night i got in trouble for being out after my curfew. Lame right? Who has a curfew nowadays? Me. Anyways, it was..a very perfect, magical out-of-your-dreams-night. A hot summer night, when the stars were out, shining at its brightest. We laid on the golf court, on the green humid grass. Next to each other, i got closer and laid my head on his chest. It was perfect. We laid there, not a word was said. We both appreciated the beauty that the sky held that night. Even though, we both got so many mosquito bites. It was worth it. This is one of my fondest memories of him. That night i realised, that our friendship went above and beyond any bond i’ve ever had with any other human being. These feelings we might have for each other, would ruin our special bond. So we never mention anything about it. I cared and still care so much about him. Every little thing he did affected me. Then he started acting different all of a sudden. But then again, i guess he was always like that, he just never showed it. He would ignore me when he was with his friends. He made me feel unwanted, like i wasn’t good enough. Was he embarrassed of me? I hated feeling like that. So, i did what any other human does, slowly leave to avoid the pain. He stopped talking to me. High School started, and i pretty much lost him, i forgot all about him and associated with other people. I would catch him staring at me. A lot. Then all these memories of our friendship came back. My heart started to ache. All this time, i never accepted that i lost him. Till this day, we still don't talk. I try to. He doesn’t seem to make an effort. The tears won’t stop. Its just how much he means to me. I don't know why i can’t accept the fact that he doesn’t want to be around me anymore. Maybe, someday..we will be friends again. But for now i think its time to..just let it go..its so hard though. Its too hard. -A.P