When you see pictures promoting the military, what do you think about? Fathers and mothers, who hardly get to see their children, as they leave to protect what they love? Grandparents crying, children crying for their parents revival from death.
This word can mean so much, in various words. But all can bring pain, sadness and a deafening silence to your life. I ask myself, in what way is murder different than being a soldier? If you were asked that, what would you say? What would be your reply? Murder brings pain, sadness. Murderers can kill both relentlessly with and without reason. They can be paid to do so or they act upon their own being. If a man came home from a long day of work to find his wife in bed with another man, his anger will reflect upon action and he might end up stabbing both man and his wife. He might beat his wife and kill the stranger. He might do nothing and ask for a divorce. But even murderous thoughts can give way and its possible he will kill one or the other. The cries of the people judging will fall upon the judge and the man will get locked away.
Now suppose you were a soldier on a mission and you were sent into a house to scout it out. Suppose their was a man with a knife in one hand. Suppose the woman was on the floor crying and cowering. You shoot the man and falls to the floor; dead, a bullet straight through his chest. You technically have "saved" the woman, but what if she didn't want or need to be saved. Either way, this man you have killed is as dead as a doornail. The same people, who have judged the man back at home, are now judging you, calling you a hero and the judge surpasses this judgement without punishment. How do you feel about this?
The same question I have asked before now returns, what difference does it make? The answer is none. God did not make us to kill each other. Fight maybe, but not beat each other up till we die. The jails I have seen and the places they keep humans; our race, locked up as if we have gone utterly and completly mad. But even the insane are as sane as anyone. In what right do we have to lock up another human and take control over their life as if it was ours to take? If you say it is because they murdered him/her and should be locked up for life, you are wrong. If you even stray towards the thought that they should be locked away forever, eternaly, so that they can never see the sun again, never taste the cool and relaxing taste of ice cream, never to feel the breeze from the wind again, who would be the animal? Even death would be better. We are a messed up race. Humans evolved from eating plants to killing wild beasts and now killing each other. A tiger might wound another in a fight or playfully tackle, but we will kill with or without reason. Is there anyway to stop our race from wiping each other out from existance?
People all over the world rejoice and pray for world peace, but the way we have evolved and the way we think today, there is no way to promote further for peace. Even those peacekeepers (ie: NATO, Canadian Forces, ect.) aren't really peacekeepers. In what way do they maintain peace? Kill one person, you kill them all. You kill their normal thoughts, ways of thinking, the thing that made them human.
You take that away and they are left with thoughts to kill, kill and kill again. But not animals, not that fuzzy little thing you call a pet. It's sad really. We have wired each other, to think killing is okay. Murderes can go join the military and shoot all they want without a care, and they will be protected by the law. Even to who we think as a role model, someone with many medals and memories, do they ever think twice? To choose between life or death, most people would choose life, a few percentage would choose the oposite. Lets say life were like little colored strips of paper, and everyone human was given one to hold as their very own life. Each person would have difficulties protecting their life as well as helping others to protect theirs. Some percentage of those people will feel like life is not worth it and wilt away. Some will marry and some will not. Some will have children, maybe grandchildren. Lets say for now, all these people are happy, leading and living happy lives. Now some people break away and rebel. The world as we see it now is what's happening. Yes, the military is a big part of destroying lives.
If you went to another Country (suppose it was a 3rd world Country) and saw all these little chilidren on the street, their clothes decaying upon their backs, cuts, scratches and scrapes on their faces, arms and legs. Their eyes are big and wide, and tears make them glisten as they stare up at you. Can you imagine if that was you? Your father was a drug dealer, and your mother died long ago. One day you wake up and here shouts and screams, and you see men in uniform dragging your father out of the house, beating him until he bleeds before taking him away with a bag over his face. Imagine if that was your last memory you ever had of your family.
End of Part 1
Military vs Murder
Isidora Vixari
I started writing this at camp. It was more of an observation than anything. This really gets you think once you read it. Comment bellow with stuff that you think I should add/take away/edit
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