Iam Jordiyn known as Ange by most. I am 17 years old soon to turn 18. I'm a young vampire, and I live with my brothers their friends and a few of mine. On this morning like any other, I walked into the kitchen seeing my to brothers Christian and Aku reading.I walk past acting as if everything was okay. Your late Aku said not looking up from his book.I looked at the ceiling then back down. I know I know I'm sorry I overslept. Well you would not have that problem if you would not have been in the garden all night. Said Christian as he handed me my charms and the book I was supposed to be looking over. Where did you find these I asked returning the charms to their places on my wrist. He glanced down at me. I found them hung on the rose bush that is how I knew you were in the garden. You must have ran off when you got lost in thought,and the flowers and realized the time. Losing track of time again are we now Ange? I ran,and hugged my stretching brother. Xanier your awake! I am I had no idea thanks for pointing that out for me Ange. Aren't we funny this morning. Actually I'm just getting warmed up I only like to make you angry Ange its what I do. Anyway they are coming this way. I pulled myself away from him and ran down the long corridor You know Xanier you can't keep helping her run she has to be taken care of. Don't worry she can handle herself. She is 17 now we don't have to worry about her all of the time she is one of us now she can feed on her own she is not the little sister who always needed protecting. I guess your right Xanier. Christian said as Aku rolled his eyes. I ran down the long corridor far away from those girls. I soon found myself in the garden with Xavier and Veritas. Xavier was holding a rose and was smelling it,and Veritas was reading while leaning against the stone wall. Veritas was my favorite brother and he knew that. I walked to the middle of the garden and caught my breath. Ange are you okay? I hear Vega say. I quickly turn and say "I'm fine" in an angry tone. Veritas smirked,and Xavier chuckled because they knew I hated when he came up on me like that. He stepped back. I only wanted to know why you were running out here like something was wrong. Nothings wrong other than those girls following me. Veritas walked over to me ,and looked at me with his crystal blue eyes and his black spiked hair. You should be getting ready for the day, father may be coming to see us. I hugged him and went up to my room. I was in my room just putting my hair up. when Laisa came into my room. Ange? Yes Laisa You should be outside with your brothers. I ran outside What is going on....Ange wait!! I fell to the ground only to be caught by Xavier. I looked at him barely conscious. My eyes returned to normal and I allowed myself to fall asleep in his arms.
I woke up with my brothers all around me. Veritas what happened? You took a hard blast to the head and Xavier brought you here. His usual blue crystal eyes were silver,and filled with sadness. I'm sorry I did not mean to scare you all. I went to sit up only to be pushed back down by Veritas. His crescent moon and stars on his forehead identical to mine were showing up and beginning to glow. I knew he needed blood he feeds off the weak ,and currently I'm weak. I moved my hair from my neck as did Laisa I told her to leave because I didn't want her hurt. He looked at me questioningly go ahead I urged. He hesitantly bit me he pulled away and licked his fangs. I went to sleep and said nothing more. Later I was awakened by a knock at my door. Come in I said softly thinking it was liasa with food or wanting to talk. I'm sorry Ange. Veritas it's fine you needed it ,and I offered. Yes,but your my sister and it was wrong. Don't worry about it just forget it ever happened. He nodded ,and left. I picked up my book and began to read soon another knock at the door I knew who it was. Come in vega I said. Hey im here to let you know Christian ,and Aku are coming to tell you.... another knock at the door. Well time for you to take your leave I wispered. He disappeared as they walked around the corner with their long black hair trailing behind them. They both looked at my neck,and sighed. We arent here to say anything about that we are here. Well what are you here for? Aku walked over to me ,and healed the mark on my neck. Well THEY are here ,and seem to be getting along very well. I looked at him hoping he wasnt talking about those two when he nodded I looked as if to ask where are they. Library he said.I ran down the long hall I stoped right before I got there I caught my breath ,and walked in.Then lost everything when they both hugged me ,and kissed my cheek. I..... Why are you two here. Damien began to answer as did Pheonix They glared at each other. Fine be that way I am leaving. As I began to walk away I was pulled into a soft kiss by one of them then it changed. I opened my eyes only to see they both had kissed me. They disappeared as I turned to see Veritas standing there. You know you have to choose one of them before the ball. Thats in what 1 month I can't...... I was cut off by his hand. The council set the date for october that gives you all of these months last friday before the ball. I sighed with relief. three days passed. Ange!!!!! I appeared in front of my yelling brother. What Vega what? What what what? They are here ,and staying for dinner, tonight you choose. I have nothing to wear I cant just choose why how who's idea is this. He shrugged. Don't worry I can handle it though. I growled you better
As Vega said he would take care of it he did. He got me a beautiful strapless dress with diamonds incrested into it. He brought it to me come come Ange hurry it up. im coming I am a girl you know. Oh thats what you are.When I came out finally ready, Veritas was there to take me to the dining room. You look beautiful Ange. He held out his hand I took it ,and walked with him down to the dining room.Everyone was waiting for us to arrive. I sat in between Damien ,and Pheonix Dinner was tense but we all manged to carry on conversations and what not. As dinner finished I took Damien and Pheonix out to the garden. You know I love you both truley dearly ,and deeply. Yes Ange we both know. As life may go on ,but I may not go on without choosing one of you and I have made my decision. I had something with one of you ,and I think it would be best that we continued. Pheonix started to look sad. I hugged him. Pheonix you must understand we can only be friends he nodded and disappeared. Damien lightly kissed me. I walked up to my balcony with Damien and looked at the stars as it began to rain Damien kissed me. I have to go its getting late and I cant fly well in rain. Alright see you tomorrow. Weeks Pass and I begin geting closer with Damien until I need to start making the plans for the ball layout. Damien?Hey babe, He kissed me, I kissed back. Whats wrong you look bothered. Well yes,I have bad news. What is it? Well I'll be spending two weeks completeling my part of the plans for the ball. Alright I'll be hanging here and there I'll talk to you when your finished I guess. I smiled and walked back into the ball room to help the others prepare. I I sketched out the decorations and all in a week and 4 days. That night I went to bed knowing I had to wake up to go see damien. I woke up the next moring and walked into the bathroom and sat down in the bath that Laisa had ran for me. Laisa started washing my hair like always she never had to ask I was slightly happy I would get to see Damien again today. Walking outside to find Damien I see him. Hey, He sighed. Ange Why did you lie to me I thought you would be preparing for the ball. I was I just finished and was coming out to talk to you. Save it I can't be with you if your going to continue lying to me. Isabelle came over to me in my almost crying state. She isn't cheating on you if thats where your getiting at. isabelle just stop and give him some time. I've had enough time Ange I don't want to do this anymore. Whatever Damien,you never loved me anyway and I guess you still don't I wonder now why I even Chose you over Pheonix. Ange! Isabelle No choosing him over Pheonix was the worst decision I could have ever made. I ran far into the garden crying. I found my place on a bench and sat there crying and thinking, when Pheonix showed up.. He lifted me up and hugged me. I should have chosen you instead of him. I chose him knowing I loved you. He kissed me You know I can't be with you cause of how you hurt me. I understand that. He wiped my tears away and kissed my cheek. Come come now Ange it's late and you need your rest, don't cry over him he isn't worth it. He took me up to my room. and because I asked him to stay he stayed the night with Veritas.Hey Veritas? Yes Pheonix? Does Ange really love me? Of course she does she only chose Damien because she didn't want to hurt him anymore and she never wanted to hurt you at all.And she didn't believe you loved her. Of course I loved her I always have and always will. Well tell her that tomorrow, now you must rest and think of what you are to say to her tomorrow. As I sleep I can't control my emotions. I long for Pheonix to be with me not with Veritas. it's morning now and it couldn't come soon enough.. I got dressed and ready for the day. I walked down the hall and saw Veritas reading in the brothers study, He glanced up at me. He is in the garden waiting for you. I walked down the hall leading to the garden, I stopped and took a deep breath and walked into the garden.He looked up at me with a smile. Ange you look beautiful today.I blushed at his comment, He smirked at this. We went on talking and hanging out like this for weeks. The ball is approaching fast and I'm over Damien and want to be with Pheonix. The Christmas ball is soon to follow after the upcoming council ball. It has come to the point where I don't want to wait any longer, but for now I just like my being with Pheonix. On this morning I get up and get ready for another day with pheonix and walk out to the rose lined fountain in the garden. This has always been my favorite place to be since I was a small child. I began reading one of my favorite books knowing I should be reading the one Veritas and Christian had given me. I sighed wondering why Pheonix was'nt out here when I heard one of the girls say something about Damien that sounded so familiar. I sighed and said don't hold your breath. Closing my book and walking back inside. I was pulled into the corner. Why does everything have to be about Damien with you. it's always about Damien isn't it? No I'm over him I looked down he is'nt the one I'm in love with. Alright? I jerked my arm back and I went back to my reading. Noticing a lot of the guys staring at me. I read and wonder whats to come. I hear something or someone coming towards me I look up to see Shy Menryu and Alexander. Hey Ange. What could you possibly want Alexander? Well this, He kissed me. I pushed him back. Alexander you know better than that, you also know you'll regret it if you do it again. That didn't do much cause he kissed me again. I pulled away and smacked him hard across the face as Pheonix grabbed him by the neck. Would you like me to kill him or do you want to? No You can do whatever you want with him. He sighed and dropped him im not in the mood today. Alexander stood up and walked off slightly frightened. Menryu bowed and walked in the other direction. Pheonix whats whats wrong? I got up and walked towards him, he stepped back slightly. I put my hand on his cheek. Tell me what is bothering you. He sighed grabbing my hand. I... I'm falling in love with you. I smiled softly why didn't you want to tell me that?I didn't think or know that you felt the same till earlier... I kinda hoped but you never finished earlier. He lifted my chin and looked into my eyes, So who is it you love? You...I love you and I only want to be with you. He smiled and leaned down, He kissed me softly and deeply, I kissed back. Ange? Yes Pheonix? Will you be with me then? Yes....yes I will, forever if thats what it takes. I lightly kissed his lips then pulled away and smiled leaving the kiss lingering, and walked away. He smirked You say you want to be with me but leave me wondering, I like it. I smiled softly As it began to rain.Come on it's starting to rain and I want you here with me. I grabbed his hand,and walked inside and up to my room. it was only lit by the little bit of moon you could see. I snapped and lit candles in miscilanious parts of my room. You love being able to do that don't you. I nodded and sat my book down and picked up the one I was supposed to be reading. I sat down and began reading. Thats a good one to read Pheonix said. Well I have to finish it or Veritas and Christian will have my head.He layed down beside me, I stood up to take the clip out of my hair. He stood up behind me. Here let me, he pulled the clip out. As My hair slowly fell around my shoulders. I don't see why you don't wear your hair down more often. You look more beautiful like that. You know I've never thought of myself as beautiful in anyway at all. I don't know why cause I think your gorgeous. I smiled softly, he kissed me wrapping his arms around my waist, I kissed back slowly wrapping my arms around his neck He kissed a trail from my neck to my shoulder, I shivered slightly, He looked up at me and went back to my neck. He bit down softly, I moaned softly. I had been bitten before but this time was different it was like a wave of pleasure went through my body. I thought you would like that. I did, He smirked and sat down pulling me into his lap. He kissed me deeply not wanting to pull away. He bit my lower lip softly. I gasped opening my mouth slightly. He slid his tongue into my mouth I played with his tongue as he playled with mine. After a minute he pulled away his arms still around me. I wanted to kiss him again. I leaned in as there was a knock on my door. Ange are you in there? Go on get the door, I sighed and stood up come in Nicholai. Sorry to intrude but Father isnt'.....Father?!!!! Yes Father. Pheonix Sprung up Your Father !?!? His study now both of you.. We walked down with Nicholai to fathers study. Pheonix was slightly worried, I noticed this and grabbed his hand. it'll be fine he nodded. We walked into father's study and bowed. Pheonix dropped my hand and didn't stand till I did. Father hugged me and kissed my cheek. Pardon me but Father why are you here? He looked at pheonix then back at me.. He's A good choice Ange. But My only question is is he good to you? Pheonix looked at father excuse my interupting my lord, but I love her probably as much as you if not more. She is my heart and I would never hurt her. Father looked at Veritas, He nodded So young man you say you love her, How do you know this for a fact. Because I've known Ange for 6 years about. it was on her 12th birthday. My parents forced me to meet her. it wasn't that I didn't want to. I was scared I mean she was perfect in every way. I finally got the courage to go and talk to her from then on we became good friends. And I've now learned that I've fallen in love with her. Father sighed Ange are you sure this isn't just teenage lust. I'm sure of it father. How could it be? Fine my dear but if you get hurt I don't want to hear about it. I will have already known and two I will have already said all I needed to say about it. I can't live with seeing my little girl hurt. So you know already about damien. He nodded, I looked down. He lifted my chin as my hair fell back and the bite Pheonix had left was revealed. Father examined the bite then looked back at Pheonix. All my brothers looked shocked and Pheonix looked down slightly ashamed. Vega Shook his head, This can't be good, Xanier elbowed him in the side shut it Vega! Quiet both of you! Said Father. Father looked at both of us. So this is love not lust? So I came at a bad time, No? I looked back down. Xavier looked at me. Ange your weren't.....He shook his head. Father must you do this now. Ange just let him he has the right as your father. Pheonix said not looking up.I will say no more as you wish my dear. Thank you father. He nodded and vanished. Veritas, Christian, And Nicholai looked pretty damn mad. I sighed and Grabbed Pheonix's hand, and walked to my room. Sorry about that. it's fine he was only being your father. I guess your right. You did seem embarassed though. I wasn't I was nervous that he was going to kill me over this mark. He kissed My cheek sorry. I blushed slightly and smiled it's fine. He did seem kind of happy to see it.He smirked at the thought of my father liking him in any way. I think he was too, which means he approves of my dating you. I'm glad he does Cause if I didn't he would lose me and I'm not sure he could make it. I couldn't take losing you much less your dad being able to lose you.He laid down, I laid beside him and put my head on his chest. He put his arm around me. Goodnight Love, I kissed him night love.I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, Hearing our hearts beating together. I woke up a few hours later to the twins be the twins of course. I closed my eyes and ignored them and their noise and went back to sleep. Soon the sun was in my eyes, and I woke up to Pheonix playing with my hair. Well Morning, Morning love I kissed him. I have to get ready. He streched and groaned, Alright, I should go home anyways and make sure my parents aren't doing anything else to possibly make this any worse. I'll get ready and probably be back before your done. I rolled my eyes right. What you take forever? Whatever, He shook his head and walked out. I went into my bathroom and took my shower I walked back into my room to change into my clothes to find a reading pheonix with wet hair. Took you long enough. I rolled my eyes yeah yeah now turn around. He turned around and continued reading as I got dressed. You can turn around now. He turned around, His eyes widened slightly, Erm Ange you look.... Yes? Amazing.... I smiled softly,I wish but thank you. Not a problem telling the truth well love I'll be going now but I'll be back in a few minutes I promise. Alright, I'll see you in the garden later I guess. He nodded , kissed me, and vanished. I grabbed my book and jumped into the garden landing beside the fountain. I sat down and began reading wondering how long before Pheonix would return.I missed him already. Hey Ange I hear Damien say. I slowly looked up at him. Yes Damien? I heard about what you said yesterday and I'm just here to say stop. I don't want to fight with you anymore. Damien listen; I never was fighting I was only stating the obvious truths. It's not my fault you never loved me, and you found excuses to lose me. At that moment he understood what I have always meant. Without you in my life I am truly happy with the one that I love and the one that really loves me. Ange I did love you you just couldn't return it. I did return it and full heartidly when I shouldn't have cause you only took my heart and soul and crushed them. With that I disappeared and found myself meditating with the males flocking towards me. I sighed and flipped down. What could you two Possibly want? I looked at Menryu And Alexander. Well I wanted to know if Vega was here so I could take him this. I finished it as he asked. I looked at Menryu and nodded. Come on Alexander he said pulling his brother. Wait I have to try something again. He stepped forward, and I stepped back Alexander Don't do it lets just go. Hold on Menryu gahh he said and kissed me I slapped him. For the second time, Don't do that seriously thats so not cool. Sorry I just wanted. I put my hand up I don't want to hear it. I turned to jump back in the tree he grabbed me by the arm and went to kiss me again. Pheonix Grabbed him. Again with you? Touch her again and you will die.He bowed and backed away with Menryu as Pheonix sat under the tree, I sat next to him and layed my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me. You know you don't have to worry about Alexander much. He is just A joker, He likes to test people. Well he tests a bit too much with you. I laughed softly , he smirked then his face got serious. Ange I heard you talked to Damien earlier. Is this true? I looked down. Look at me Ange. I looked back up at him with my hair covering my eyes. He moved my hair. Ange what happened earlier? Well we talked, as always it's my fault we broke up and yada yada. So I hurt his pride and vanished. Alright, Now thats all I wanted was it really that hard love? Yes...yes it was I said, he kissed my forehead, and stood up of course it was.
- by Chi-Hiariux_x |
- Non Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/14/2008 |
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- Title: A Life Of Love,Sorrow &Dreams
- Artist: Chi-Hiariux_x
- Description: This is a story about vampires Love, Hate,& Dreams. I didn't want to go too far in detail as I did with my other stories. I wrote this 2 yrs ago & stopped,so it may not be as good as I want it. This is my 1st chapter, the others are longer and better of course. I'll be finishing the story soon. You may like it you may not. but I honestly don't need negative opinions.
- Date: 12/14/2008
- Tags: destiny shadows sorrow
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Comments (2 Comments)
- deeanna1212 - 08/15/2010
- Paragraphs, please..
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- Erin-the-emovampire - 12/14/2008
- wow! u did not even finish it but i loved it!
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