Non Fiction Arena SpotLight
- Current Event by Angels_Limit03
- Current Event
- the other ending to portal by Ninja GLaDOS
- the alternative ending to portal
- Me to WE by XxXAnimeFreak16XxX
- Child abuse. Governments take children from familoies and enroll them in the army. This needs to stop now.
- angel by -II-Fallen-Dark-Angel-II-
- this is for my angel..nayuki nakuso..
- My definition of transition by Lora Geana
- opinion, definition, down sides of transition,
- suicide by twilight_666_vampire
- this is a journal entry about a girl with her older brother Jace who are homeless. I didn't write all of it 'cause it's long. If you want more leave comments or drop me a line.
- The Black Book by Nemisku
- The only way you can get what this story is about is by reading it, it is not long and please read it before you rate, and if you could please kindly leave a comment, just so i know some people have read this
- autobiographical event by Anime_Dreamer_Ami
- my other account was hacked so now i post this up again thank you
- true friend by myshatteredlittleheart
- this peom is dedicated to my friend jester_sci,it isnt my best work because i couldn't really find the right words to describe what he has done for me.i hope you like it .this poem comes strait from my heart.
- Manic....Anxiety by AliceCullen1030
- I wrote this as I tried to think f a creative way to explain my anxiety and Manic Depression.
- Life by iRainbowlove
- I finally gave up and desided to write down a few thoughts of mine.Its a little long and im sorry for that
- war of men in their minds by the dragon tamer23
- a short poet about war in their minds created it myself
- Meaning by BandGeekNinja
- About my trip to Canada and it's immense beauty
- I want, I want, I want... by Galad Aglaron
- This was originally a journal entry. I thought it was rather nice, so I expanded it a bit. It's about what I want my life to be. "I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing." -Anais Nin
- Together Forever by soccerbabi13579
- About a relationship that is put to the test to see if love could survive
- The four wheeler crash by Trevor McClain
- This Is a true story about 2 friends who lived down my road they were both just 14.
- Jan's night alone? by BioShroom
- Jan had just got off of work when...
- Rainforest and Deforestation. by Detective RobinTaylor
- An essay I wrote for Comp.1