• Marie was a girl that only wanted to fit in and let's face it, she tried everything. She didn't know where she belonged and her goal in life was to score the perfect group where she fit in. So she went home from her first day of high school completely frustrated. She sighed heavily as she pulled out her key; unlocking the the door to her apartment and stepped in. She had a daily routine, after working in the coffee shop during the day she would come home and log onto her email. Marie had received an anonymous email telling her to
    "Log onto Gaia.com everyone can fit in."

    Was the computer reading her thoughts? Because that was exactly how she felt today, like she didn't fit in with anyone. Reading and re-reading the message across the screen she slowly moved toward the mouse pad. Dragging the tiny white arrow across the screen and hitting the key pad she opened the file. As an array of colors flew out of the screen and enveloped her she became an animated character.
    "Where am I?" she asked what appeared to be a giant purple gas filled crystal.

    The crystal began to talk, "You are in Gaia. I sent you the email in order for you to feel accepted. Now come place you're hands on the crystal and join the land of Gaia." The glowing lights were hypnotizing and a strong force pulled Marie to the crystal. She couldn't fight the urge to belong to this world that she had never heard of; if it meant fitting in. She chose not to fight the energy pulling her closer and closer into the crystal. She felt the smooth edges of the rock and trembled inside as she became an avatar character. Then she began to move around the world of gaia, looking at everyone else that was like her.

    "Now I feel like I belong." and as Marie found herself a home, she settled into the animated world inside her computer. She did not know how long she had been there; but the concept up time and un-importance was slowly ticking away.