Ardo Visalian was found in a carriage that seemed to have been ransacked and utterly destroyed, the small platoon of mounted guards slaughtered and the occupants murdered. He was the only survivor found inside the wreckage by an elven woman named Lisania who took him in and raised him in the elven town of Ennethas. She hid nothing of his past from him as he frew up and as a result, he desired to know who his real parents were and why they were slaughtered, to which even Lisania did not know. So when not doing his chores and duties for the town as he grew up, he spent much of his free time searching records and attempting to find who his family was, having come to no definite answers despite his laborious research. All he knew was his name found on a small pendant he was wearing when he was found. And even in trips to human cities and searching record halls, he found no answers, as if the names were all struck from the records.
As Ardo grew up, he grew a love for an elven girl who lived nearby and grew up with him. Her name was Nessa AncalĂmon, and she was growing learning the healing arts of magic, potions and medicines. Ardo made it no secret to her, but he did not pressure her into any relationship. They grew up as best friends and as they grew, so did their desire for each other. However, Ardo, in his time growing up, took on the training of a cleric for the elven god of Corellon Larethian and he was eventually sent out into the world to do work and help those who needed it. Before he left, he promised Nessa he would eventually return for her, trading their pendants for her to always remember him and his name, and for him to always remember her and her name, being inscribed in elven into the wood of the small pendant.
As Ardo began his journey, he was first sent to the great trade city of Baldur's gate, where he was tasked to assist some elves living in the area with their own shipments and healing of people who needed it. On his journey to the city, he met a human man named Marron, who eventually became his best friend on the long journey. They fought together with many people along the way, including dwarves, orcs, gnomes, other elves and even a few halflings. Some friends were made and some enemies. But their journey together was brought to a screeching halt. After arriving in the city and spending evenings in taverns and harbors causing trouble and becoming well known names, the city was attacked. In fending off many wild beasts and sorcerers controlling the beast, Marron lost his life, dying in Ardo's arms.
Ardo was crushed to have lost his best friend. And after his friend's funeral in the cemetary for the fallen heroes, Ardo left on his own journey, vowing to help those he could. And for several years, he did. He was alway journeying, never staying more than a month in any single city, town or village. As often as he could, he would send letters to nessa back home and when staying in the same place for at least a few weeks, he would get a response, smiling as he read every word. For a good portion of this time, he ended up journeying with other people. A female dwarven ranger, for one, plus a couple of female druids, one half-elf and the other full elf. Also in the part was a female halfling rouge and a male human fighter whom he had first fought alongside in subduing a werewolf.
For several years, this party went from town to town, city to city, ruin to ruin, helping people along the way, taking down monsters who threatened lives and at one point even having to take on a dragon who had grown into a problem for a city. After years of fighting and travel, the names of Ardo and his party had grown famous and revered through many kingdoms, communities and countries. In his travels, he finally found who his family was: a noble family who had once ruled a city fairly but was assassinated by a rival family who sought the power over the city of Morenadon. Upon discovering this, he found he had no allies and had to reveal the corruption of the family themselves. Upon finally finding the evidence to do so, he revealed his name to them, making them realize his family was not all killed. As a result, they were slaughtered by the very people they manipulated, stole from and abused. When asked if he would stay to take his place, Ardo turned it down, saying he had more important things to do in the world.
So Ardo and his party continued their travels. One day, they were called to help with some serious problems in Ardo's hometown of Ennethas. Ardo was thrilled to finally return home and see the woman he had longed to be with again. upon arrival, Ardo was welcomed like family and the town celebrated his return for a night. Ardo was able to spend a night with Nessa, finally proposing after many letters and a night of just catching up and being with each other again. They were happy and were to be together again after the party's current task in the city as Ardo was hoping to retire afterward.
Ardo and his party were given the task of scouting out a large encampment of orcs, ogres and even a few werewolves that had recently come into the nearby woods. A battle was planned to happen and while Ardo and his party were gathering information on numbers, ranks and possible battle maneuvers, the elven town would be reinforced with more elven forces coming in to assist in the battle. Ardo and his team returned with useful information and waited for the battle, having civilians taking shelter and preparing for war.
Soon enough, the assault came. Surrounded from all sides, the forces defending Ennethas had to make a final stand for survival. They fought with all their might, numbers dwindling as the lycan-led forces continued to assault them with seemingly endless numbers of warriors. While they seemed to be winning, the civilians were exposed and being slaughtered, Ardo and his party moving swiftly to save everyone they could.
But when Ardo arrived, he was unable to do anything as he watched Nessa be murdered by one of the few commanding werewolves. In that moment, he snapped, raging being the only thing left in his heart as he charged the werewolf. He was relentless, taking down the werewolf and tossing his head to the feet of the others who were coming to assist. The elven forces were winning with allied human forces arriving to help push the enemies back. The forces led by the two remaining werewolves retreated, but Ardo could not chase, exhausted and broken. He remained silent the rest of the time he was in his own hometown. With his foster mother having also been killed in the battle, Ardo was a broken man, nothing left to lose but his own life. When asked if he would stay home, he refused, anger burning within with the intensity of the sun. He vowed revenge and started tracking the werewolves and their army, the elves staying behind for fear of being caught in his wrath.
In seeking revenge, he became a cleric of Wee Jas, praying for the safety of his beloved in death and to be reunited with his loved one should his revenge resut in his own death. From this point on, having such a drastic change in worship and in behavior, Ardo was given the title "The Fallen One". He cared not who was in his way. He went to find the werewolves and removed anyone in his path, be they friend or foe, by pushing or by killing. He cared not anymore with rage being all that was driving him. He eventually found the werewolves, attempting to raise another army. But Ardo made short work of the new recruits and wounded veterans attempting to stop him. Once Ardo reached the werewolves, he faced them alone while his party tried to fend off the waves of soldiers attempting to interrupt. Ardo took one down in the fight, but the second proved to be difficult. It was a long battle, but Ardo eventually killed the last werewolf, but suffering fatal wounds he would not be able to recover from.
Ardo died that day seeking his revenge. Upon finally seeing the mangled corpses of the ones he sought dead, he felt at peace. His final breath was a feint whisper of his beloved's name, Nessa. His body was returned to the elven town of Ennethas, being buried beside Nessa and Lisania in the very same town he grew up in and started his journey from.

- Title: Ardo, Cleric of Larethian
- Artist: ArcKing
This is the story of Ardo Visalian, the half-elf cleric of Corellon Larethian. This story recounts his rise from childhood to his death.
Ardo is a character I am running in a game of Dungeons and Dragons. I am not entirely knowledgable on the history and behaviors of people and the deities of DnD so if anything seems off, let me know - Date: 04/15/2015
- Tags: ardo cleric larethian dungeons dragons
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