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    Chapter 1

    A chinese guy enter SM building with a big smile.
    " No need to call the manager. I am here for him. " says the chinesed guy.
    The girl on the counter had her mouth wide opened.
    Then, he ran to the head of the building.
    " Yo, manager. Nicxe to see you again! Well, no need to talk ! I'm back "
    He slammed the door & run to a room. A room of his members. That he has left for 5 month.
    He opened the door .
    " Yo guys !! I'm back ! "
    Firstly, the room is very quite. 2 seconds later,
    " Appa-Kris! " "Kris hyung!" " Papa "
    All of them shouted.
    " Kris-hyng! You're back !! " shouted Sehun.
    All the members run to Kris. Except.
    He's terribly in shock.
    " Come on , hyung! Kris-hyung is back! " says Chanyeol .
    Suho stands up. But he didn't come to Kris.
    "I'm going to toilet" says Suho, glares at Kris & the mem,bers.
    " I coming with you " says Kris.
    Kris then touch, only touch Suho. But Suho avoided him quickly.
    "...don't..." says Suho.
    Kris's eyes widened.
    Kris once again grab Suho's hand tightly.
    " Let me ..go! " shouted Suho.
    Kris eyes widened again when he saw Suho's eyes on tear.Kris hug Suho tightly.
    " Suho-ssi. I'm sorry "
    Suho's tear even harder when Kris embraces him. Suho hit Kris's chest many times. But Kris still embrace him tightly.
    " Why'd you left me like that ? " ask Suho a little shout.
    " Lawsuit. I don't want to, I want the know I left them 9the company0 " says Kris, caressing Suho's hair softly.
    Suho slowly relief. He slowly hug Kris back.
    "C'mon, Let's go to the members back. They must be worried about you" says Kris. Placing a kiss on Suho's forehead.
    Suho avoid Kris for the second time.
    " Wh-Why wouild you do that ?! " says Suho covers his forehead.
    " What ? " ask Kris innocently.
    " Yo-you kissed me ! " says Suho
    " Not on the lips , right ? " says Kris teasing
    " It's only a friends's kiss " Kris continued.
    Suho stunned.
    " Suho-hyung! Kris-hyung! " shouted Chanyeol happily.
    " Whta's wrong , Suho-hyung ? " ask Tao worried.
    Suho replied with a smile.
    It's nothing. Well , let's congrats ourself. Kris-hyung is back. And we will be united ones again."
    In the dorm,
    that night, they celebrate Kris's back. It's really fun. Everyone happy & laughing like always. Suho smiled, he grateful that Kris back. Then , he walked to the balcony.
    Even he is happy, but...
    He can't look at Kris directly! Because of what ?
    Kris kiss him.
    'It's only a friends kiss'
    "Whut the hell is that ?!! " Suho shouted.
    Suddenly, Suho's shoulder patted. It's Kris. Joining him sitting and watch the starry night.
    " Yo. " said Kris. Smiling.
    Like I say, Suho can't look at him directly.
    " So, what's up ? While I'm not around for a while ? " ask Kris.
    " Well, we do get interviewed. These days. "
    Kris chuckled.
    " What ? " ask Suho.
    " Nothing. I just thinking. Do you.. cried ? I suddenly left you ? " ask kris.
    Suho quites. His eyes falls to the ground. His vface turns red. Kris stares at him.
    " I-I do " says Suho.
    Kris smiles.
    " Yeah. To be honest, I miss yopu & the kids. " says Kris.
    Suho tries to look at kris. But....
    A while, it stays quite.
    Kris landed on Suho's shoulder all of sudden. Suho look at Kris.
    " He's sleeping ? "
    Suho shakes kris's shoulder to awake him.
    " Kris. Kris.... "
    " If you tired, you can sleep with me . If you don't mind. " Suho offers.
    Kris opened his eyes slowly. Suho guide him to his room.
    As sson as the get to the room, Kris land himself to the bed. Suho smiled unconsiously and went into the toilet to wash his face. Directly to the bed.
    " you're sure tired, aren't you ? " sais Suho. Smiling.
    Kris had fallen fast sleep. Suho landed his body to the bed. Suddenly, Kris embrace (hug) him. Suho in a quite shock. Suho try to awake Kris. But still, Kris's eyes are shut.
    Suho have to face directly to Kris.He couln't do anything except closing his eyes tightly. his heart already throbbing. Once again, kris embrace Suho tightly.
    " Kr-Kris !! "
    " Hmm ? " finally ! Kris awake. Even for a bit.
    " I can't breath... " says Suho.
    Kris smiled.
    " Sorry, In China, I used top hug my dog plushie that you bought for me. " says Kris.
    " Where's the dog ? " ask Suho.
    " At home :3 " says Kris grinning.
    Kris keep embracing(hug) Suho. Suho tried to arrest but he can';t. Kris's too huge.. but, actually, he don't really cares. He felt very comfortable with kris.
    Then the door knocked -,-
    Kris awakened. He walk straightly to the door and open it.
    Tao stunned.
    " Don't disturb my night........ " says Kris glare at tao. Well, he will. He's sleepy !
    " Enjoy your night !! " says Tao running to Sehun's room.
    Kris close the door. Continue to sleep. Suho thought Kris wouldn't hug him back. But, as soon as Kris landed himself, he quickly pulled Suho near him. Caressing Suho's hair.
    " Joon Myun, you smell nice ~ " says kris.
    Suho face got red. He imagening things would happen. kris smiled.
    " It's not like i'm going to hasting you or what. " says Kris giggling.
    " Who says ?! " says Suho glare at Kris.
    Kris keep caressing Suho's hair.A while, his hands off. Suho stares at kris. He fallen fast sleep again. Suho smiled.
    Now, he's the one caressing Kris's hair.
    " Welcome back, Kris. "

    1 chapter finished !! And I got exams for next week !!
    DO I CARE ?!
    Now, I'm drown in feels ~