• Finally putting a name to a face makes everything so much better. But Just getting his name isn't what I'm after now. This whole thing isn't sitting right with me at all. "Alright Autumn....How did you know my mom was in the hospital?" I asked accusingly. "It was all over the news, a bit hard to miss, wouldn't you say?" He said. "So you just happen to feel bad and came to see the grieving family?" I asked. "Offering reassurance to a family after a tragedy occurs isn't unheard of these days." He answers. He turned to look at me. When our eyes met I noticed something...it was almost a pitying look mixed with something of an almost guarded look. "Not that there was much of a family to actually reassure...was there." He said. I stiffened a little bit. Think about Dad always did. "What would you know about that? Maybe my Dad was on his way or out of town." I said haughtily, though I didn't actually feel very condescending at the moment, I felt small and cornered. " Luna we both know how much of a lie that is....We both know exactly where your father is....How, thanks to one man, he's now buried and left behind a wife and daughter. How losing him has affected your mother and more so to the point, you. You sit here and try to lie about him, when the fact is it's because he's gone you had to grow up hard and fast to keep yourself from shattering. The police record's, the fights, this persona you've gained as someone who is nearly strong as stone, is actually a way for you to hide, correct? You take your frustrations out in fights, because you know your mother wouldn't know how to handle you...afraid you'd push her to far away." Autumn said sadly. "How..." I started. "How what, Luna?" Autumn asked. "How in the hell do you know so much....about Mom...and Dad....How would you even know about me...." I said lowly. My mind was reeling. How could he possibly know all of this... "Who in the hell are you...." I whispered.I looked down at the floor, my bangs covering my face now. I could feel that painful heavy feeling in the back of my head, the sting behind my eyes, signaling that I was going to start bawling any second. "That's something you'll decide on your own...in time." He answered quietly. I was pulled into a very short, but oddly comforting hug that lasted all of 5 seconds before Autumn was gone, closing the door behind him as the first rush of my tears started.

    Hours later after I finish crying and take a nap to take away the intense headache, I'd notice he didn't lock the door behind himself this time.