It's you, but how could you be here? You left. You left me. Us. The nerve you must have. I shed so many tears over you, I spent countless, sleepless nights praying that you would find it in your heart to return to me. An now you're standing on my porch with that stupid, phony smile of yours. I can't find an apology in that smile. So why did you come back? This feels surreal, like one of those dreams I used to have when I still longed for you. I could reach out and touch you, you're so close I can see every laugh line, every freckle on your face. I could reach out and touch your face, the same face I used to love. I loved when you smiled, a smile that turned some of my worst days to some of my most memorable. I fell in love with that face; with you. What happened? What happened to that love? When you left me, that love lingered like a carelessly blown out flame. There were still a few glowing embers that lasted through all the pain, all the anger. I shouldn't have still felt that love towards you. You left me. You made me feel like I had finally found someone to love, someone to spend my rainy days with. And then you disappeared. You. The real you. The you I fell in love with. And I felt like I had been left in the dark, alone. That flame should have been blown out, but it lingered. It really did. I know it did. Because I'm in tears now. I grab you and pull you to me. You're sorry. You must be sorry, because you're in tears. I've never seen you cry before. I won't ever let you go.
Where Have You Been?
OK so this I just found yesterday in an old notebook of mine, it's interesting so I thought I would post it. Thoughts and comments would be appreciated.
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