• I woke up to my alarm clock. I slowly pushed the blanket from me, and sat up. I looked out my window. Its only so bright... I looked over to my computer, and walked over to it. I turned it on, and I sat in front. I logged on to Ragebook, and checked my messages. I got one from my childhood friend, Mattsuki. I read his message, 'Hey, Cassie! At 7:42 A.M., come over to my house.' I took care of my house while I was waiting. Once time, I went to Mattsuki's house. I pressed the doorbell, and I heard bangs. I heard glass shatter, and the door flew open. I saw Mattsuki pressed on the floor, with a shattered vase a few feet behind him. "Sorry about that," Mattsuki said. I forgave him and he told me about the abandoned school. "We should investigate, I heard there were unusual things occuring in there," Mattsuki explained. I was unsure about the idea. "Do you think it's safe to go inside?" He shrugged and replied, "Do you think ghosts are for real?"
    We entered the school, and felt an immediate eerie feel.
    We proceeded, slowly looking through rooms. Then I found a broke open locker.
    Inside, I found a hanging rope dripping with blood. Under it lies a picture. It has a blurry figure of someone in a tuxedo, but the face seems almost blank. I looked at the back, and it read, 'Picture taken by Kaisey Syres'. It seemed weird that a student takes pictures and puts them here...
    I look behind me to show Mattsuki, but I saw no one in my sight.
    He couldn't be playing with me. Not in a place like this.
    I searched for him in the rooms. I went into an almost dull classroom, and heard a wooden sound. I searched the area, and looked inside the teacher's desk. I found knives, guns, shears, and another picture. It seems that the figure is almost inhuman, as it is unusually tall and still. I realize the figure has no face. On the back, it read, 'Picture taken by Samm Onorborne.' I know I have heard of this name before.... It was my grandmother's sister's name. I was slowly processing through the hall, looking for the exit, but I found none. I went ahead and looked in the bathrooms. The boys bathroom had a red lighting, and blood coming out of the sinks, spilling to the floor. I found a picture on the floor, soggy and wet. It looks like a group of kids on a bus...and in one of the windows.... I make out a tall figure staring. I feel as if I am being watched. I quickly walk out and look at the back of the picture. I can't make out the words... 'Picl_-e laler lv Joe Srugs'
    I find a janitor closet, and I flick the light on. A sudden flicker of black and red light flashes in the bulb. The closet appears almost completey black, and I find another picture, this time behind a girl stands a tall figure with no face. I look at the back, and see it is unfinished. 'Picture taken by Yuri A l' I find my way into what looks like a music room. I see the instuments almost inconviniently placed. The piano is open, with a picture hanging out. I collected the picture, and the piano slam closed. Someone knows I'm here. No, something. I see the picture is a mirror. I see a small eye in the mirror. Suddenly, it fades. On the back reads, 'Picture taken by Cody Red' I walk back in the hall and find a wall that seems almost false. I push my hand against it, and I hear a glass shatter. A familiar glass shatter. I walk into an art room, and see a picture that scenes the memory of Mattsuki and I meeting this morning, only we are colored in black. I see a picture painted under the shattered glass. I feel the urge to touch the painting, and my hand winds right in. I pick out the picture that has a name written in blood. 'Slend' it says. I feel nauseous and refuse to look at the back. I walk into a hallway that seems endless. Then the hall darkens. A flash blinds me, and I open my eyes only to find Mattsuki standing in front of me, eyes closed, blood leaking out. I find a picture in his hand, and when I touch it, Mattsuki falls through the ground. The picture has me looking at a picture, and on the back of the picture in the picture reads, 'Picture taken by Mattsuki Tigereye'. I am startled, and I quickly flip to the back. It also reads, 'Picture taken by Mattsuki Tigereye'. I see a blood trail, and somehow I am forced to follow where it leads. I am taken to a table with a clear glass dome shielding a picture. I touch the dome and it instantly opens. I pick the picture up, and it is a close-up of a blank face. On the back, reads 'Good-bye.' My eyes widen and I stagger back. I look behind me and find myself surrounded by mirrors, each having a reflection of a tall figure in a tuxedo, with no face. There seems to be a door, and I slowly walk to it. Flashes somehow take me closer, and I find myself gripping the knob, and I slowly open the door, and find the tall man. I walk back, static blinding me. I fall to the ground. All I remember is a Tigereye rock falling in my hand.
    I wake and feel weak. My vision has only little static and I walk farther in the hall. I find the exit, and when I open, The static blinds me.
    I wake up again, only to find myself in what looks like a hospital room, Mattsuki, Ashikase, my sister, my mother and father, my friends from school standing near my bed.