I am ENVY, and I am your master. You will se enothing but me and I will rule you and your mind. You can never escape me; you will become my slave unable to think without me creeping into your thoughts. I will own you and you shall be mine... With me comes WRATH the anger you supress because of the curse I bring and GREED the driving force behind your everyaction and I take hold. I am ENVY, you will become me, I will become you and we shall become one.
I am WRATH; the all consuming. I burn you like a fire from the depths of your heart. I turn your blood to lava and your heart to stone. I make you hate those you hold most dear and run from that which you most loved. I spring from ENVY and GREED the material desires. You sould will burn away as I eat at you; you are nothing when I take controll. I am WRATH and I will destroy your soul.
I am SLOTH; I take your life from you and give you nothing in return. I will steal from you everything and leave you to the darkness of your thoughts. I take your emotions and your body; you cannot escape me once you are in my grasp. I bring with me ENVY GREED and GLUTTONY the branches of my evils together wasting away your soul as I pull you deeper into my curcle of Hell. I am SLOTH and you are mine.
I am GLUTTONY; though me you will devour your life though food and drink and pleasures of the flesh. I will gorge apon your pain as you suffer; unable to controll what you have become. You soul will shrink as I consume it as your body grows. Your wealth will disappear in your desperation to satisfy yourself and though it all I will controll every part of you. I spring from GREED SLOTH and ENVY; my predecesors and consorts. I am GLUTTONY and you cannot run from me once my claws sink into your soul.
I am GREED; I will come to you i your times of weakness and though me you will achieve poer, wealth and status forsaking all else in the world. You will desire most that which you cannot have and forget that which you once did. With me comes WRATH and ENVY my conspiritors in the destrusction of your being. I will become your master and you will woship me.
I am LUST; I am your deepest desires and the result of your passions fires. I am the reason you long for their kiss, I am the reason your body craves their touch. I am the reason you want them but don't. I cause the itch deep inside of you, I cause your carnality. I am that which you hate about yourself when your thoughts become impure; when you covet their body with yours. You cannot run from me I am in every thought every touch and every kiss. I bring WRATH ENVY AND GREED together we destroy everything you hold precious. I am LUST and you are my slave.
I am PRIDE; I take over every inch of your mind. I will steal you away and lock you high in a tower. You will be self loveing forsaking all others. Vanity shall become your love and your reflection your lover. You will think only of your hair; your face; your cloths; your darling body. You will become seemingly perfect but can never be satisfied. I bring ENVY and WRATH fuel for my flames. I am VANITY and because of me your face will become your Idol.
I am DEATH; I am the end to all things. I overtake every living being and none can ascape my cold grasp. I derrive my joys from pulling your terrified soul from your cold lifeless body. It is I who devises the ways in which you will meet your demise, it is I who takes from you all you love and pulls you into the depths of your deepest fears. I spring from WRATH GREED ENVY GLUTTONY PRIDE LUST and SLOTH. " I am Death and the end is here..."
- by ChristineVictoriaCapulett |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/01/2012 |
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- Title: Sins...
- Artist: ChristineVictoriaCapulett
- Description: I have always had a kind of obsession with the sins, and the complexities of their relationships, and while making a TEKTEK commission of the sisters I came up with these "I am" statements. After I wrote this I decided to post it here and see what other people thought of my take on the seven fundamental objects of our society. So here you are the Seven Deadly Sins.
- Date: 02/01/2012
- Tags: sins seven deadly death hell
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