• I felt many people around me.

    I was surrounded.

    I couldn't get out.

    I tried to scream.


    I could faintly hear my friend was screaming my name, but it was too late.

    I knew she was in another room in the house, yelling the first name she thought of, hoping someone free and good would hear her.

    I couldn't move, let alone think.

    Tears streamed down my face.

    I saw one of the men, a hooded creature, raise a shiny blade toward my trembling, paralyzed body.

    I could tell it was cleaned and sharpened, just for this occasion.

    I finally cleared out my mind a bit.

    I knew what was going to happen.

    I was doomed.

    I was going to die just like the rest that came with me, my friends...

    I thought seeing my friends die would surly kill me.

    But I was wrong.

    This would.

    "Don't kill the girl yet," ordered one of the men to the second, the one with the knife.

    For a moment I loved him for saying that, but then I remember he helped killed my friends.

    "Kill the boy first," He finished.

    I turned my body slowly.

    There sat all tied up Jenny's boyfriend, known better to me as my brother.

    The tears turned into sobs.

    His spiky hair was straight from all the sweat he endured.

    I finally screamed.

    They turned, enough time for my brother to get the strings lose.

    As they were walking toward me my brother, Derek, ran out of the room he yelled my name and I jumped up and jogged, to weak to sprint.

    They stepped and the door slammed shut just as Derek got out.

    I was trapped.

    I slapped the door so hard my hand was so red and hurt.

    The boss of all the men grabbed me.

    He threw me on the hard marble floor, normally I would of admired the gorgeous flooring, but in a situation like this I obviously thought the opposite.

    I got up and stepped in circles, trying my hardest to confuse them.

    It worked, for a moment...

    I ran to the door and quickly opened it and ran as fast as I could, slamming it shut behind my still trembling, fragile body.

    Derek was waiting outside for me.

    We ran all the way.

    The car was missing...

    We were suddenly stopped by something...

    The shadow of a terrible man is all I saw...

    To Be Continued............