Prelude: Here
Alexander: Settled into a large chair, one that reclined back and stretched out like a bed in a way, a man around the age of twenty-four was connected to what seemed to be a machine. Attachments to the man's body came in through the neck, holding his head in place as well as he looked up to view a three-dimensional display of his ancestor.
Footsteps on the stones in the rough streets were so light and could barely be heard. The man, also seeming to be in his mid-twenties, walked throughout the streets quickly as sharp eagle eyes scanned the night streets of Spain. Alexander loved his job, he was literally born for it. The city had almost become a second home to him. Even through he was basically reliving a great to the tenth grandfather’s life, he felt like all the friends he made were truly his buddies. As if they would go out for beers outside of the Animus, if it was possible. Daniel walked past an eatery, briefly looking at a couple who were enjoying the food and company. Cute, he thought, but then turned his eyes back in front of him.
Tonight was not a social call. Excitement rose up through his bones like a wave of heat as he walked closer and closer to the target. Daniel would bet they didn't even know tonight would be their end. First a few more yards, then a few more steps.
He closed his eyes and when he opened them his target lit up like a golden prize. The mark was standing in a little villa talking with some other men, while girls danced around them like cherry blossoms in the wind. The man was around enough people that some care would have to be taken to do this right.
"Why don't you take the path to the left?" a male voice chimed in like the loud speaker of a school.
"I don't need a back seat assassin, Neal," Alexander replied a little annoyed. That was the downside of doing this in a group. You always had someone watching your every move. Instead of going to the left he continued straight. "It really kills my mojo..." Daniel finished. After a fast check to see if the coast was clear he climbed up the wall in a fashion that would have even made Spider-Man jealous. Once on the roof he turned to look back at his target. Daniel looked at the path of wires, rooftops, and scaffolding he could use to reach the man again. The fabric of his outfit blew gently in the wind. "Show time," he said to himself with a smirk then started free running over the roof tops. Which honestly had to be one of the more enjoyable things to do. Two buildings, now one," he counted off in his head then slid to a stop before the edge.There wasn’t any room for error stopping were the tip of his leather boot hung a inch off. Below him was the target. Daniel could feel his fingertips wanting to go with the hidden blades strapped to his wrist. That wasn't the best choice right now so he opted for a throwing knife instead. Carefully he lined up the shot, moving the metal knife back and forth in between his fingers until it was lined up correctly. With a flick of his wrist the blade went flying into the target’s neck. "Perfect," he said with a smile then turned around to make a clean escape.
Someone let out a scream from down below. “He’s dead!” someone else cried. Daniel flew across the roof tops. It was always important not to be caught at the scene of the crime. Fighting guards off sometimes might be fun but it was a needless hassle. He thought he made a clean escape into the night when a female figure showed up several roof tops away. He looked back to watch her for a moment, not only so Alex’s side could identify her, but so Daniel could perhaps figure out if the girl was a Templar. Her dark chestnut hair and pale skin didn’t remind him of anyone he’d seen before around the Templars. And it seemed funny to think that such a thin, small girl would actually be a Templar, much less a killer.
No one was allowed to up on the rooftops the guards made sure of that. It was especially strange to see a woman up here so late at night. “What is she doing?” he mumbled looking at her before she got off the roof. Daniel stood there awkwardly wondering if the mission was about to fail. He didn’t desynchronize so the answer must have been something different.
“Neal, is the code reading odd or did that girl really catch me up here?” Alex asked.
Daniel asked as he walked over to the edge of the building, looking for any signs of her. She didn't look like a hooker, nor a noble...
"Her name is Amilia Revera Le`Russo. She runs missions for Dimitri and is his niece," Neal reported back.
"Friend or Foe?" Alex asked.
"I'm attempting to look up some more information but I can't access anything besides basics," reported Neal as he tapped away at the keyboard.
Daniel looked around for the girl until he finally spotted her again. It almost looked like she went back to minding her own business but glanced back at the rooftops. A tell that gave her up, if the girl wanted to follow and spy on him she would have to work for it. The girl was slowly working herself out of his line of sight. Shirking around like a little mouse. It annoyed him now, seeing her disappear without him even getting to confront her. He shifted slightly in his hidden spot as he watched her slip away, fighting himself.
Andreah: Seating herself at a bench inside a plaza that was somewhat populated, she felt her heart beat slow. She had to catch her breath from trying to find the mysterious assassin, who she had ‘given up on.’ While he had lost her in the chase, she knew she hadn’t lost him. He was a trained assassin, she had no doubt he was still around here watching, questioning why she had given up, and why she had been chasing him after all. And really, what was it that drove her to do so? Her uncle, and the Templars, had been searching to find a way into tricking the assassins. She wasn’t a killer however, like her cousin. She normally just ran errands, kept everything on track. Today she decided she wanted to do more. She wasn’t sure how, but she was going to find her way into convincing this assassin to be her friend. ‘Friend.’
She leaned back onto the palms of her hands, hazel eyes looking around at the various people. She caught sight of someone landing near a building, like a cat who had just pounced from wherever. She couldn't help but watch as the man adjusted his posture, and made his way toward her. His curiosity won him over after all. Just as she had hoped. "Saludos Señora,”(2) he spoke first.
On Andreah’s side, Drew, a man with pitch black hair that was shaved close to his scalp and electric blue eyes, clicked away at his computer. He chewed on his bottom lip as he sorted through codes and caches, trying to figure out who this man was inside the Animus was. Another woman that sat typing on her computer, curly copper hair pulled back from her small face with sliver framed glasses over her russet brown eyes, was closer to Andreah’s large bed-like Animus. She was also considerably quiet, seemingly caught up in whatever she was doing.
Drew chimed in suddenly, “I can’t find anything on this guy in our data, I don’t know why.” The downside to being outside of the loop with the Templars was that they didn’t share much information willingly. But for their half of the bargain, they watched over all of Andreah’s actions indefinitely.
“Try getting into his source codes, we don’t need to go to Abstergo for these things,” the red haired woman said from behind her desk. In response, Drew sighed and continued his search for any information about the man inside the animus.
Amilia looked up with a small smile at the man who stood in front of her. Even though she had not seen his features when she tried chasing him, she knew it was him. She took in his features, meeting his chartreuse-green eyes with her’s. “Ah, Asimismo señor,”(2) she said as she got up.
“There’s some kind of block, I’m trying to get past it. So far, all I’ve got is his name is . . . Daniel Ortiz, part of the original assassins,” Drew interjected before Amilia’s conversation moved on.
“I am Amilia, nice to meet you, señor,” she said with a smile. She held off on her last name, not sure if he knew her family name for what it might be infamous for. She held out her hand in a friendly gesture, smiling still.
“Yes! I got it,” Drew finally exclaimed. Andreah tried not to jump from being disturbed from her concentration. Andreah just let out a sigh, and reverted her attention back to Amilia and the new assassin. She could hear Drew call for Abigale, the other woman who sat nearby, but she didn’t listen to what was going on. She had to try and concentrate and lead Amilia through the task ahead.
"Daniel Ortiz," he said introducing himself, taking her hand and placing a small peck on the back of her hand. She noticed his sharp, hawk-like eyes looked over her; sizing her up. She responded with a cunning smile. "Why were you following me, Señora?" he asked her.
She looked at him for a moment, her eyes followed down then back up to his face, “Because I wanted to. I apologize if I caused you fright or worry,” she said, a grin growing on her face.
He looked at her with a smile returning hers, “It would take a lot more than that to scare me Miss Amila," he responded. They were both taking turns being cute or sly now, but it didn’t seem to bother either of them.
Abigale, petite and thin, was back over at her computer now, furiously typing. Before Andreah could even ask what was going on as her attention has drifted to the outside world that moment, Abigale’s voice interjected and a thin white layer pulled up over what she was seeing in Amilia’s world, displaying some back information on Daniel, “Andy,” she called her by her nickname, “Daniel is part of the original assassins. And, the codes we hacked into were from a terminal. The assassins, the ones Abstergo wants to find, are also using an animus, and we’re looking at their main character here Andy.” There was a long pause as Andy just stared at Amilia’s life in front of her. There are two possibilities to this: they just hit the jackpot and might be on the fast track to getting out of their deal with Abstergo by giving them what they need, or they just made the biggest mistake of their lives and could be waiting for these assassins to figure them out and kill them. ‘s**t’ was all that was muttered in response.
1. “Greetings Miss,”
2. “Likewise, sir,”

- Title: The Broken Creed: Chapter 1
- Artist: icefire26
Chapter 1
The fight between the Templars and Assassins has changed ever since the Animus technology was brought into the game. A new set of assassins hit the world and find a more fractured past then Desmond had. Daniel Ortiz, a 17th century assassin meets a not so average woman.
Written By Myself and AlexxRocket - Date: 10/23/2011
- Tags: assassinscreed fanfiction creed fiction assassin
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