• A place is an area you can go to using numerous means. You can go by foot and experience the environment around you. Maybe you can set out in a vehicle. A passenger of a man made machine, witnessing the flickering scenes of life. However, you can also take the wings of your dreams to carry you to perfect lands of your unconscious imagination.
    My favorite place is forever changing within the kingdom of dreams. A scene maybe sitting on the beach alone watching the sun set. The sun taints the sky a soft comforting orange and colors the warm white sand a red wood color. While I admire the view, the small waves lick the soles of my feet and tickle my toes. The cool water sends shivers crawling up my back. A canine friend pads into the scene and sits right next to me, allowing me to share its warmth. He leaves paw prints in the wet sand indicating his presence in the natural world.
    The scene abruptly changes into a tropical rain forest humming with life. The climate is humid with an expansive stretch of fog obscuring the view. The echo of the animal calls includes the howl of the monkey and nearly conceals the lulling sound of the nearby stream. A butterfly flutters into view, the colors slowly emerging from the dense fog. The colors contrast but gracefully flow together. It awes me that such a small creature can hold such beauty.
    I blink my eyes and come back to myself. The setting changes again. Slower, this time. It seems like an out of body experience, watching myself sitting on a park bench. My eyes aren’t focused at first, peering out at the world and seeing it in black and white. Gradually as the seconds come and go, color seeps into the image. I make out the gentle swirl of the leaves, the wind being the director like the hands controlling a marionette. Finally my sight focuses. It isn’t crystal clear because of the lack of my glasses. Instead everything is a slightly hazy fog, like a wave of heat crossing the desert. It faintly unfocuses my view and brushes the edges of my consciousness.
    However, the slight unclearness isn’t enough to hide that the real world is not the beautiful place of my imagination.