• Rina Background story

    Rina is a soldier from the war torn planet of Purgatory, a planet where people with much evil in their hearts go. The reason the evil souls have been brought forth here are in purgatory is due to their lust to live again, also due to their crimes they have committed in their previous life. Residents of this planet are forced to fight by iconic gods with immense powers and only those whom learnt their lesson may be redeemed to walk amongst the free world again. However, Rina is one of the unfortunate souls who were born from a woman who partook in being a permanent residence within Purgatory.

    At the age of 5 she was sent to a training camp for warriors to fight in the endless war. By the age of 8 she was besting even the finest of captains and seemed to be a worthy candidate to Promote to general in the future. She polished her swordsmanship daily, keeping one eye open at all times, and always on guard for in this world those who rest peacefully are the first to die.

    When she was 12 she was nominated for a promotion to be a General rank soldier, nearly the highest rank only second to Admiral. Her family was overjoyed upon her becoming a General, for achieving such a rank of General or Admiral is one of the highest honors an individual and their family could have.

    Although her family was overjoyed at her promotion she would just stare at her sword with dead eyes, thinking to herself. The only thing she saw within her sword was the screaming faces of the people she had killed. She felt empty, and nearly devoid of life.

    On the day of her 16th birthday the Admiral recognized the great skill she carried with her and was going to nominate her to become an Admiral, but before he could fill out the paperwork she stopped him. He was rather curious as to why she didn’t want to lead the armies into battle, and her only response was

    “I’m merely a tool for killing with no other purpose other than the complete massacre of our enemies. To accept a position where the lives of our people are under my wing is an insult, for the blood I carry on these hands strips me of the right to stand with them. My only request is to send me on one last mission, the objective you deemed a suicide mission, the retrieval of the package we lost to them.”

    The Admiral just stared at her and said,
    “So sending you on this mission will you just die, or will you bring the package back to us?”

    Rina points to a carrier pigeon.“This will be sufficient for transporting the package due to its small size, correct?”

    The Admiral takes a breath and says.“So be it.”

    Thus she headed onward toward her mission to pursue her untimely but desired death.

    The package was retrieved and sent back to her kin. Upon sending the package she was surrounded by enemies who began their relentless assault on her. Foe after foe fell before her sword as it cut them into pieces; however, regardless of how many she killed more always took their place. A few hours later still standing but severely wounded she marched away from the bloodied battlefield into a forest where she hoped to die in peace and to be forgotten from the world. She looked up to the sky hoping to see the beautiful sunset one last time, for the sunset was the only joy she ever got in this war torn world.

    As the end seemed to befall her a cloaked person loomed over her. Curious Rina Asked the figure “who, who are you?”

    “Who I am isn’t important. Who you are and what you want in life is what is important.”

    Confused she thought to herself. “What is important to me?” Rina looked up into the sky and her eyes fell upon the setting sun. “I, I have nothing important to me”

    The shadowy figure seemed disappointed. Observing Rina’s gaze it too stared upon the sinking sun. “So you enjoy the sunset I see. It is quite lovely a color, Crimson if I’m not mistaken.” It sighed and started speaking again. “You say you have nothing important to you, nothing to live for. If this is true then why not join me. I could use a child like you. The path I have walked lately has been rather lonely and I’ve only one other companion. An additional one would make my goal to create a new Plane of Existence much more fun.”

    Rina puzzled asked “What do you mean by plane of existence?”

    It chuckled to itself and lowered the hood revealing the face of a woman with purple eyes and long brown hair and a noticeable mark under her right eye. “Planes of Existence cannot be explained so easily. To put it simply they define realities, the one I originated from is long dead though. The one we’re currently in however despise my existence. Once I create this new Plane of Existence returning this one will be impossible until I create a bridge between them. So my final question. Do you want to come with me to a new world, a new beginning?”

    Rina thought about it for a few moments then responded in a stern tone. “Here I have no future. My countrymen most likely have pronounced me dead. She sighs. “I’ll take your offer that way I can possibly have a life without bloodshed. I’m curious though. What is your name?”

    The woman gives her a mighty stare. “Me? My name is not of importance but if you must know I am Nikiru, Nikiru Togakushi Kanayaki.”

    Rina takes Nikiru’s hand and pulls Rina up from the ground. Nikiru than waves her hand and a door appears from nowhere before them. Nikiru nudges her and they both walk through the door.

    END "The only things I see within this sword are the screaming faces of the people I have slain." (Rina)