- They never saw it coming. The world was in chaos within days of the consuming darkness. Our convectional weapons wouldn`t work against them. Bullets couldn't make them bleed. Blades couldn't keep them away, even our last resort just turned around on us. There was nothing we could do. Many just gave up and died. Mass suicides and sacrificial offerings plagued the weak minded and cowardice-prone. Many went underground and formed colonies. These were formed at the very beginning by the wise and the superstitious. The main civilization under the surface is a dome made of a combination of titanium cooled in holy water and a bio metal that grows back upon impact. From what I hear the inside is no paradise, A Strict ration system and no crime policy or an immediate trip to a three day survival game on the Inferno (the surface) which ended often in death. Life under the surface is no picnic and most colonies weren't so fortunate. Many were just cast iron walls with no supplies for weeks and by the time food got there the place was leveled with smoke and fire. There is one group of humans that is beyond rare and the population stays a dangerous low. We are the ones who, through an extreme test of strength and will power, have endured the surface. Many die trying to become what we are. To become stronger we adhered to the enemy’s characteristics and became like them. We still had our humanity but our bodies were put through unimaginable pain that it seared marks into our skin and soul. The process burned our souls and it damaged our memories for the first couple years. It warped very being. But once your memories came back if you didn't die when you in the daze period the payoff is ultimate. It gave the ability to mingle and weave through the social world of our enemy it also gave immense strength stronger than some of the enemy’s and it let us learn their battle abilities. This made us hated among the colonies underground and the budding resistance force who think they win by hiding in the shadow's shadow. The last group is nothing more than a hope to keep the human children asleep at night. A city that was lifted into the sky before the chaos as a preemptive measure but that’s only a myth. Finally our enemies go by name of Hels but humans just call them demons. All of them immensely strong even the women. Their skin can't be pierced by anything from days before. There burning aura ted to ignite the matter in this dimension. They employ a variety of skills that help them in battle. They come in many forms from house sized golems to seductive temptresses to the swarm of tiny poisonous arachnids. Being who i am a Hels Syndicate a transformed human i play along with their world and gain respect with human and Hels. This is what became of this world. This is Inferno

- Title: the Inferno
- Artist: Def_March
- Description: a prologue to a short stories collection im starting send feed back and rate to your hearts content
- Date: 08/08/2011
- Tags: inferno
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