• The little girl buried her face in her pillows, fighting the tears. She could only listen helplessly as her parents screamed at each other. “You b***h! Damn you! Damn you and your ******** daughter!” The little girl whimpered, sobbing into the pillow, as her father screamed at her mother.

    She was smart. Smart enough to know the rules. No one had told them to her, she just knew. One, Stay out of the way. Two, Ignore everyone. Three, Accept yourself and your life. The rules were important. She knew that. She also knew the rules would keep adding up, adding up, and adding up. For her protection.


    That was eight years ago. My life has been a blur since that night. Both my parents were killed in some accident. The rules still exist. They bind me tighter than some will ever know. It’s all for my protection, though I don’t know where they came from.

    They say my parents died in an accident. I believe I am to blame, though no one knows for sure. They say they truly don’t know, but I see the accusing glances. They still remember, though that was eight years ago. They wonder how such a misfit could come out of something as beautiful and wonderful as my mother. How my father could’ve put up with me. He couldn’t. He hated me. Hated me for what I was. My mother learned to accept it. Calling me by my pet name, Special. I was special. I still am. Why could only my mother, my beautiful mother, see that? Why did my father have to kill my mother? That was the only reason I did what I did. Though not everyone believes that.


    I stared out the window, hating my life. I hate school. So many humans. It’s hard to conceal a secret. “Ms. Andrews?” I slowly turned my head, and narrowed my eyes. “Yes, Mr. Ah… Umm…” The teacher rolled his eyes. “Newbark.” I nodded. “What is it?” He paused. “Never mind.” I nodded again, turning to look out the window. A bird stopped, and I smiled coolly. It surveyed me out of the corner of its eyes, and flew away. I purred contently, earning a weird look from my classmates.


    I slowed my pace down a little, dropping the textbooks on a nearby bench. I have no idea why they make us carry our textbooks back and forth. They think we all have cars, it seems a like a necessity with these humans. I could run faster than these cars with a light load.
    I looked at the textbooks. They were not a light load. I didn’t even need them for homework tonight. And, there wasn’t a test coming up. Maybe I need to study anyway. I shook that thought away. I’m not the best student, but I keep from getting below a C. It’s not like my grandparents care; I just get good grades for my personal satisfaction. I’m weird like that.
    Anyway, I’m hated. Called a freak, though I take great care to conceal myself. I just follow Rule Two, ignore everyone. “Hey! Freak!” I turned around, seeing the ‘Cool Guys’. They were just a bunch of football players and jerks.

    I locked my gaze on the quarterback, Jordan Stake. He was smirking, waiting for my reaction. “Which one?” I called. “Me, or the dumb fool next to you?” The person next to him, happened to be the hottest guy in school. Blake Hardy. Blake looked down dejectedly, and I smirked. “Now, Go Away.” Blake shrugged, and started to walk away. Jordan stopped him. “Fine. We’ll be back!” They walked past me, and I resisted the urge to hit someone. What did they know about me?