Akira gave me a bracelet. It had a bunch of buttons with differant symbols on them. If I wanted to turn into one of the past goddesses, I just had to press one. As long as I wore it, none of the scents or tastes would affect me. I woke up in the bedroom they gave me to sleep in. It was pretty close to Yoichi's. In fact, he's the one that woke me up! "Yoichi?" I said and sat up. It was still dark outside. "What is it?" I asked. "Something's been bothering me." he said. "What?" I asked. "Well, remember when you turned into Arisa?" he asked and sat at the end of my bed. It wasn't a big bed, but looked like like it could fit two people if they slept close together. "Yeah, well, I know I turned into her anyway." I said, smiling a bit. I heard him laugh a bit, but than got seriouse "She told me that all of the other godesses were virgins." he said. "What's your point?" I asked yawning. "Well, she had an idea." he said. "Which is?" I asked, getting annoyed. "Well, it makes sense when you think about it, but than again it could've just been her wanting to-" I cut him off "For the love of humanity! What did she say!?" I yelled. With that, her tackled me down onto the bed, and was kissing me. Slowly, he lifted his head. "Yoichi?" I breathed. He bent down and his lips lightly brushed my ear as he whispered what Arisa said. My whole face grew red. "Y-you're kiddong, right?" I asked. I felt him shake his head against my cheek. "Well, what do you think?" I asked, still blushing. "I think, it's at least worth a try." he said. "Yeah, but what if she only said that so that you'd do it with her?" I asked. "Yeah, I already thought about that." he said. "And?" I asked. "I still think it's worth a try." he whispered. "B-but-" his laughs cut me off. "Would it really be that bad to do it with me?" he asked, almost bitter. "I-it's not that!" she said. "Than what??" he whispered. I blushed harder than before and told him.
"Y-You'll be my first!" she said. I could feel the heat emanating off of her cheeks. "Hey, same here." he said. "N-no way!" she nearly yelled. "You don't have to be so surprised about it!" I said, lifting my head. "It's just, when as the pervert ever been a virgin?" she asked, smiling a bit. "I don't have to be for much longer." I whispered to her, lowering my head and allowing my lips to brush hers. She was still blushing and I could hear her heart beating in her chest. Suddenly, I felt her hand hold mine. She closed her eyes and slupped back in the bed. At this point, I started blushing too. I brought my hand up and began unbuttoning her her shirt, she slipped it off. I sat up a bit and slipped off my own. Her eyes were slightly closed. I brought my hand up her back and undid the bra strap. I could've gotten a nose bleed right than and there. I won't describe them to you, because you don't have to know! I won't even tell you what else happened that night, but I will say one thing, I am no longer a virgin!! F-ING YES!
Next, Cat's paw 26
Cat's paw 25
.........They do what Arisa said.
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