In a corner. Alone. Afraid. The dark creeps in from the windows, from the doors, from the sky. A candle, One single messily Candle is keeping me from being dismembered by the DARK. One candles light keeps me ALIVE. What if it goes out, what then, what if I die? Will the world go from black to white, will it stay black? Will it be a nothingness that is never ending? will I go to fire and flames, Or will I go to wind and snow and air and all that is good, will I be cleansed by air? or Burned by the eternal flame. NO! I don't Want to die, I don't want my candle to go out! I want to live. Heat takes over my body, NO! Live live, I WILL LIVE! No.... Don't let the fire consume me. please. no. Wake up, wake up, let the dream be over. please.
no matter how much i beg I am over, gone dead left the world, left my valley, My Matacar.
- by BloodintheShadows |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/18/2011 |
- Skip

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