• A girl stands alone, her watch reads "3:43, December 7th 2010", the frost crunches under her and she falls to her knees. her grey eyes blood shot and red from the countless nights she remain awake with tears welling up and pooring out. her hair cascaded in flufy waves and copper curls down her shoulders. She looks up from her dirty hands, and into his a mans loving green eyes. a smile spread across her dirty face, his arms opened and held her in his warm embrace. she felt safe in his arms, he cradled her in his loving embrace. whispering "oh Lili, i love you so...i hope i never have to leave..." the warmth encased her sending fond memories of days long ago corsing through her mind. sitting under a tree with pink chery blosom petals lightly raining down landing on her shoulders and becoming entangled in her hair. Her love sat down next to her and held her close, he tilted his head down and kissed her. she looked into his sharp, yet soft and caring eyes and said "oh my darling Vince...i love you to...". the memorie faded and the warmth reseided only to be replaced with the all too present and stabbing cold. His loving eyes were replaced with the cold stair of a head stone. it read "hear lies Vincent Lentis, 1975-2010." her smile fell and as did her eyes. she pulled a gun from her shirt, and as her finger tightened around the trigger she said "and so love so stong shall not falter...the two shall not be apart...one gone, one to go...now bring thy life down on the alter..." and with a click and a bang, her blood made red splats on the snow, the snow crunched under her tiny body as she fell to the ground. the woosh went her final exhail, and thump went the final beat of her heart.
    ~The End