• their is no true mening to aanything any more. my family is to cheerful and happy for my liking. i prefur a quiet place far away. my mother is always telling me not to do this or that or to go walking in the woods. i could care less about what she or my father says.

    opening my window and jumping down in to a tree cus i live on the 2nd floor. i quickly walk to to woods. for some reason i feel drawn to these woods it like their calling me to come some where that only i can see. walking deeper and deeper into the woods i see a young man waiting for me. how are u i ask? i am midnight, how r u? and how old r u?. i am runa and im 8 years old. u look rather young for ur age. everybody says that, what is this place and why r u hear?. this is my home i am a vampire i live and hunt hear. really?. yes and u shoudnt wonder out in the woods at night, where do u live? i dont want to go back their. is it that bad?. no.....
    ill make a deal with u. what kind of a deal? i will viset u every night if u go back to ur house. ok will u walk me how? yes i will my dear sweet little friend.

    midnight carryed me back to my house and jumped up to my room. he gentaly set me down. will u stay for alittle bit i asked? ill stay till u fall asleep. i crawled into bed and fell asleep quickly. my dear little runa i will keepu safe.

    i leave a pretty red rose on her bedside table, giveing her a quick kiss on the forhead and leave her sleeping. closeing the door to her window and leave back into the woods to my home.

    i wake up and find a rose left by midnight hes a kind pearson. i get out of bed and quickly change from my night gown into a black long summer dress with long slives that drag on the ground. i have always been the odd one in my family and i stay in my room reading most of the time. i go down the stairs and get a cup for my pretty rose up in my room. i ran up the stairs and go in the libray and get a cupple books ( dracula, warriors, den of shadows and night world) well this should make time pass quickly and went back to my room.

    i hear my brother and sister talking to mother about how im not happy and stuff ticks me of when they talk about me like this. i look at the time its almost 8 i better get ready for bed. getting out of my bed and finding on e of my other night gowns and pull out a cupple candles and a lighter. walking down the hall to say good night to my mama and papa then go back to my room and go to bed.

    5 years go by and midnight still visets me every night im 13 im starting to more then like midnight i love him but im scared he doesnt love me back. i sometimes go into the woods and midnight and i just walk around and talk whe i get tired he carrys me in his arms and takes me home.

    3 more years pass by my father and mother want me to get married so i have a ball. lots of people come but im not intrested in any of them im only intrested in my midnight, my vampire. i see him and walk to him and hug him. he hugs back and wispers my dear runa ive missed u its been to long. i though u where never going to come back i cryed. its ok im hear now my dear runa.
    he gets down on one nee and asks runa will u be my wife for the rest of immortality? yes i do midnight i said and hugged him. he holds me tight and tilts my head up for a slow kiss. ill go tell my mother and father. i walked over to the table they where sitting at. mother, father this is midnight. he bows runas perents i would like to have u lovly runas hand in marriage?

    after a cupple seconds of the taling to eachother they say yes u may have runas hand i marriage.
    when will the wedding be? this summer midnight says.
    dont worry my father and mother say we will take care of every thing.
    if its ok with milady and the lord of this house cand i make the dress?.
    midnight just call us mother and father, and yes u can make the dress. did u make the dress shes whereing midnight? yes isnt i lovly mom and dad.
    yes yes it is.

    the day of the wedding went by fas i remember saying i do and kissing. later that night he asked me if i wanted to live forever. i said yes cus i love u midnight and always will. we kiss and the he leads me to my bed to sleep but this tim hes holding me in my sleep.

    a vampire i am, ive got 2 sweer children and a good husbend we live in the forst where we will alway live just as long as no vampire hunters find us and kill us witch nothing has happend the one hundred years ive lived iam still alive with my children and husbend.

    to the people that read this it was all just a dream and its gone now but its still in my memories.