• Blue Eyes
    An inspired story by: razzelberri

    I watched the life get sucked out of her. A salty, wet tear dripped out my eye. I slid down, and just sat there. My eyes spread wide open as his silky hair shook with his enthusiasm in getting this blood. It dripped down her back, and onto the floor. He was done. She turned a paper-white, and dropped to the ground. He turned his head in my direction. "Are you scared?" He asked me, with that deep teenage voice. I just sobbed under the mossy tree. "What...possessed...you?" I asked, my voice cracking. He just chuckled quietly to himself. I saw his mouth move like he was having a quiet conversation with himself. I took my sleeve, and wiped my eyes. They stung like flaming needles had been stuck slowly into them.

    I knew that he was too fast, and he had those...teeth. I shivered. He walked slowly towards to me. His head cocked to the left, and flashed those teeth. I noticed the beauty in his face...and the dried crimson, which smeared his white teeth. Other than him being a killer, he face was stunning. His long, silky black hair, the blue eyes, and his smooth, pale face. The dim light made his black leather jacket shine. It was absolutley silent around me. The only noise was his chain jingling against his leg.

    He stopped walking, and put his head straight. I looked up, only to see him inhale deeply through his nose, and exhale out of his mouth. He grinned sharply at me. "Delicate little human. So fragile, so breakable." He said to me in a smooth, charming tone.

    The last thing I saw was him, plunging at me, full force, full speed. A second later, I felt something of a red liquid dripping down my blouse, and onto my faded jeans.

    I screamed, and opened my eyes. It was only just a dream.