• There was once a great war between the people of the mountains and the people of the swampland. They were fighting over an area of plains between the mountains and the swamp. In the plain there were many gigantic rocks that made it a good defense against invaders. To one side of the plains there was a forest and on the other side a huge ocean. The people of the mountains were skilled at building walls and chopped down half of the forest to build walls between many of the big rocks. The people of the swamps were not good at building walls but excelled in the construction of traps. The people of the swamp dug deep pits between many of the rocks. They covered the pits with wood that they got when they chopped down the other half of the forest. The next day the battle began.

    Horns sounded, men roared and yelled, swords were beat on shields. The people of the swamp steadily marched towards the imposing walls of the mountain people. Archers shot down arrows from the rocks, catapults hurled giant boulders at the wall, and boiling tar was dumped on people trying to climb the wall. Then a weak spot was found in the wall. Thousands of men rushed through the hole trying to get at the members of the opposing army. It is at this point when the true heroes emerged.

    One hundred of the best warriors from the mountain just barely managed to push back the swampland fighters. The swamp people retreated back to their side, closely pursued by the one hundred warriors. It was too late when they saw the trap, as the one hundred men closed in on their target the ground seemed to collapse under their feet. As the front of the group plunged to their death fifty managed to stop in time to avoid the trap. But it was too late for them too, hundreds of thousands of archers from the swamp fired poisoned arrows at the remaining troops. Of the one hundred heroes that launched the attack only 10 managed to make it back to the wall. Although the mountain people took a terrible loss, it seems the tides would turn.

    As the day ended the mountain people were in mourning and the swamp people were celebrating. That night the mountain people vowed to get revenge, they sent out spies to find out the location of all the traps and mark them on a map. The next day the mountain people took down part of their wall to build a huge machine that had a bridge on it that they used to cross the pit traps. Inside the machine were the 10 remaining heroes as well as 1000 other warriors. As the bridge crossed the gap all 1010 soldiers charged out as fast as they could run. There were spearmen in front, sword users in the middle, and the 10 heroes in the rear. As they charged the sky turned black from a barrage of arrows. Heedless of the danger the men charged on. Many were killed from the arrows but a good number managed to break through the remaining enemy defenses. Of the 900 that made it through 90 were spearmen, 60 were sword users, 100 were cavalry, 500 were archers, 140 were sling users, and lastly all 10 heroes made it. These 900 men ran into the heart of the enemy camp. They met up with the 10,000 soldiers of the swamp people. The mountain men fought bravely and killed 1,500 of their enemy before they were finally stopped. They were all killed except for the one remaining hero that had survived. The swamp people took him prisoner but he managed to escape that night and he made it back to the mountain people camp.

    Both sides had taken tremendous losses. The hero that made it back to the mountain people camp told his commanders what had happened. The next day both sides marched out with what was left of their armies. The battle was long and bloody. The swamp people had their best fighters form a wedge and drove deep into the mountain people’s forces. At the head of the swampland heroes was a woman that was said to be one of the best fighters in the area. The fight killed all of both armies…or did it…

    There were 2 people left alive that day, the last hero of the mountain people and the commander of the heroes of the swampland. As these two individuals met up to finish what their people had so selfishly began they saw the error in their ways. Instead of killing each other they decided to settle the plains and replenish the population. But they decided to leave the mountains and the swamp behind and create a new people, the people of the plains, the people of peace.