• The ride in his car was completely silent. I wish I could say that it was the kind of silence that you wait for so you can think about everything in your life, but it wasn't. It was that impossibly akward silence where no one was sure what to say. Me and Danny were in his car on the way to Jalapenos when my phone ring with it's obnoxious, standard ringtone.
    "Hello?" I asked, happy to have someone to talk to, to break the silence that was eating me alive.
    "Hey, hun." my mom said sweetly. She coughed and I raised my eyebrows.
    "You okay?" I asked.
    "Yeah, I'm fine. Actually, I'm sick, and bed ridden. Can you pick something up from the store for me?" she asked, her voice becoming raspy.
    "Yeah, what do you need?"
    "Oh, just the usual. You know, milk, bread, eggs-" coughing stopped her from continuing.
    "And cough medicine, got it. I'll have it in a few. Love you, bye." I smiled.
    "I love you too sweetie. Goodbye." she replied, hanging up. I slipped my phone back into my pocket and turned to Danny.
    "Change of plans, my moms bed ridden and she needs me to run to the store. Do you mind?" I asked.
    "Of course not." he smiled. It was fake, I could tell. His eyes were sad, even if his mouth was telling a different story. As if he thought I noticed too much, he quickly turned his head.
    "Thanks, sorry, but I love her and she needs me." I said apologetically. He just shrugged. Though to him, he might have not thought that meant anything, but to me it means that he's passing it off like it's nothing but secretly he doesn't want to. He doesn't want the moment he has with me to be interrupted. Which is strange, considering the fact that were complete strangers.
    "Why'd you ask me out?" I asked, turning my focus out the front windshield.
    "I told you, we got off on the wrong foot. I want t show you I'm not a bad person." he replied.
    "Oh, so, pulling a random girl into an alley and planning to kill her doesn't make you a bad person?" I asked incredulously.
    "I didn't pull you into the alley, Simon did." he said defensively.
    "Yeah, cause that makes you not a part of it. Did you forget that you wanted to kill just as much he did?"
    "I'm not saying that I didn't have a part in it, I'm just saying that you shouldn't be so harsh. We did let you go."
    "Only for you to stalk me while I'm working at my friend's job."
    "I was not stalking you! I come in there every day."
    "Oh yeah, I''m sure you ask for water there too. Every. Single. Day. I'm I supposed to believe that?" I asked turning to him. He glanced at me.
    "No, I don't expect you to believe it, I expect you to trust me." he said, sighing.
    "Trust you?" I laughed sarcastically, "Oh yeah, cause I'm gonna trust the guy who was going to kill me because of the way I smell. And to add to that, a guy I don't even know!"
    "You just have to trust me, please. You might be in danger, and yes, it's because of the way you smell." he mumbled the last part. I tried to hold it back so it wouldn't seem like I was insulting him but I began laughing hysterically. His jaw clenched and he glared at me.
    "What? Do I let off some fume that's so bad that I'm putting everyone in danger of suffocating?" I asked between gasps of breath from laughing. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and just stared out of the window. I laughing slowly faded and the silence settled back in. But this silence was worse. This kind of silence is the kind of silence you hear when you're being ignored. It ate me up inside faster than just regular silence.
    "I'm sorry." I whispered. The silence continued.
    "Those comments were just out of nerves. I didn't know what I was doing when I said yes to coming along. Considering how we met last night, I was afraid to come." I said quietly. This time, he gave me a quick glance. There was nothing in his expression, but it gave me hope that he might forgive me.
    "Then why did you come?" he asked. As I searched for something to say, I drew a blank. Why did I say yes? Was it the thrill that it made me feel when I was near him, an almost killer? Was it that, deep down inside, I knew I was alone and wanted to change it? Or was it just stupidity, finally taking over?
    "I don't know. Part of me knew that I can't exactly trust you, but part of me doesn't care." I replied, saying the only honest answer I could give.
    "So, you still don't trust me?" he asked, finally really looking at me. His voice was sad, making me feel bad.
    "Yeah, but I still don't know you." I said quickly. He nodded, slowly. We pulled into the Wal-mart parking lot, looking for a space.
    "Well, I guess we have," he looked at a watch that was on his wrist."about twenty more minutes to get to know each other, and get your mom the stuff she needs."
    "He pulled into a spot a good thirty yards away from the store, and got out, already heading towards the building. I undid my seat belt and followed quickly, afraid to be left behind. I trotted up to his side and walked at his pace.
    "So, how should we get to know each other?" he asked me.
    "Uh, we could ask each other questions, and after one of us answers, we'll answer ourselves." I suggested. It's actually a game called 'favorites'. Me and Mary used to play it all the time.
    "Okay, uh, what's your favorite color?" he asked, looking both ways before crossing over to the other side of the lane.
    "Purple, you?" I asked, doing the same.
    "Green. You ask a question now."
    "Um, what kind of music do you like?"
    "Classics, you?"
    "It's a mix."
    "Ah, okay. How old are you?"
    "Okay, if you had any super power, what would it be?" I asked.
    "What kind of question is that?" he asked, giving me a strange look.
    "A serious one, now answer." I smiled.
    "Uh, I guess it would be to be able to heal." he replied, as we walked through the automatic doors.
    "Oh! You mean like Claire Bennet off of 'Heroes'?" I asked, hoping for a reference.
    "Yeah, exactly like that. Wait, you watch that show?" he asked, giving me another weird look, but with a smile hidden underneath.
    "Yeah, it's, like, my favorite show. Ever." I replied.
    "Huh, now we have something in common. What would your power be?" he asked, walking into the actual store and looking around.
    "I would want to read minds, or hear peoples thoughts, like Matt." I replied.
    "Nah, I don't want to hear the things they think about me." he said, shaking his head. I smiled. We were finally getting to know each other.