The next day, me and Ikuto went to school. Everyone was reading the school newspaper, and gave us thumbs up at us in class and in the hallway. I guess that was becouse we were also holding hands as we walked down the hallways togther. The only embarrasing thing about this relationship was that we hadn't even kissed yet. We were always being interrupted, either by sounds that interrupted the mood or the newspaper club taking our pictures. It really sucked. So, as you can tell, I was completely unprepared for what would be happening next. After 2 weeks from the night I told Ikuto about my true self, he came. We were leaving school with a crowd of other students. All of a suddden, this boy came up to Ikuto and said "How dare you steal my girl from me!" he looked Ikuto's age, but then again, so did I. Ikuto looked at him questioningly. I put on a blank expression "I was never your girl, Ruka." Ruka had blond hair, blue eyes, peach skin, and had on a white shirt and blue pants. "Then why do I know everything about you?" Ruka said, pointing at me. "Becouse your a stalker" I said matter-of-factaly. Ruka put on a suprised expression "How can you say that?" He shook his head and pointed at Ikuto "You, I challenge you to a battle. Whoever wins gets the girl." Before Ikuto could react, Ruka threw a punch at him. It got him in the stomach and Ikuto bent over becouse of the pain. "Ikuto!" I said and caught him just as he began to fall. I put his head on my lap. Ruka began to laugh "What a weakling!" he said and grabbed my wrist. "Let go!" I said and tried to pull away, but this man was a god, The god of fire. Fire was my weakness. Then, Ikuto got the arm with the wrist Ruka was grabbing. He used it to haul himself up a bit and pushed Ruka away, hard. These were just three swift motions. "Don't touch her, you b*****d" Ikuto said in a snarl, his eyes were burning with hatred. "Put a sock in it, human! She's mine now. You barely have enough strength to stand up. " That's when I noticed that Ikuto was staggering. Ruka came toward me and put his arm around my waist and arms while pulling me up, off the floor. Ruka sent flickers of fire into my body, it paralyzed me, it felt like he was melting my insides. He grabbed the hair on the top of my head and pulled my head to look up, staight ahead. He was taunting Ikuto, kissing my neck, rubbing my hips. "Perverted b*****d! If only I could move!" I thought. It was true though, Ikuto could barely stand up, let alone walk. I don't know how I was doing it but I was whispering "Ikuto, Ikuto, Ikuto, Ikuto-" Ruka punched me in the stomach "Shut it!" he said. Blood came out my mouth. When Ikuto saw that, he went crazy. He yelled "Damn you!" he said and ran up to me and Ruka. He nearly grabbed Ruka's throught, but Ruka stopped him saying "Try it, if you do, she dies. I don't mind having her as a dead body. And what a beautiful body it is." I looked at the kids in the crowd that had begun to bring kids even not from our school. They were too scared to help. I did the only thing I could, I sent a healing spell over to Ikuto. It worked, but Ruka saw it and put stop to it by sending a blast of fire into my body. I was burning from the inside out, I screamed and I felt tears com down my face while Ruka let go of my hair and let my head droop. Ruka didn't see Ikuto run up to him from behind, by the time he did notice it was too late, Ikuto had his neck in his arms. Ruka broke free and began to shoot fire, but Ikuto punched him in the stomach first. Ruka let me go when Ikuto came up from behind. I couldn't move my body, all I could do was watch on the floor. After Ikuto punched Ruka in the stomach, he punched him in the face, then below the jaw, up. Ruka didn't even have time to react. I blacked out when Ruka fell still on the floor, yet I could still feel his soul, alive. I woke up in my room. Ikuto on a chair next to my bed. He wore a dark blue short-sleeved shirt with blue pants. "Snow! Your awake!" he said leaning over the bed. I looked around and tried to sit up bed, Ikuto put his hand on my back, the sensation comforted me. I leaned against his arms and Ikuto hugged me "I'm so glad your all right." he said. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. Our breath mingled together as we pulled close. Ikuto put his hand on the back of my head pushing it closer to his. He wrapped his other arm around my waist and arms. I wrapped my arms around his and alowed him to lift my head up. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. I wasn't scared anymore. Yet, my heart still beat so fast it hurt my chest. "Ikuto" I said in barely a whisper. "Snow" He said. I could tell we were both blushing. and, finally, our lips met. We kissed tenderly, passionatly, repeatedly. I lost myself in the sense of him, of Ikuto. We didn't even hear our classmates come through the door (they were too worried about me to leave). I put my arm around his neck and it was as if the normal barrier that separatted two people went down. It was as if we were two drops of water merging together as one. "Ikuto is my soulmate" I thought.
Not over yet! Next, Eternal Snow 6
Eternal Snow 5
Ruka, a stalker, a fire god, comes to take Snow away. Snow gets her first kiss. Is it from Ruka or Ikuto?
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