• Adrius stepped outside the navigation shop, it was almost noon and the building offered no shade. He had no idea where to start looking for his pack of wolves. He would do guard duty on any random meetings for the resistance group but each cell was fairly in the dark mostly to protect the other cells.
    He only knew what this cell knew and there were only two survivors, one was severely injured.
    Adrius decided to walk around the building, then around the block. He took note of alleys, fences, any obstacle, escape route or possible weapon.
    As he was walking he considered leaving markers to let the wolf pack know he was here; claiming his territory.
    He thought he saw movement. There was nobody around, this part of town was fairly empty. Maybe it was a stray animal, maybe not. Adrius decided to head back to the navigation shop; he had a feeling it was important to get back as soon as possible. He had trusted his intuition before to get him out of the worst situations; it took the cooperation of all his senses to tell him something was wrong.

    Adrius sprinted back to the shop in time to see something slip into the front entrance and soon heard gunshots. When he made it inside, he saw a spindly man hacking away at the door to the basement where Janice and hopefully Davin were.
    Lurco had noticed Adrius enter the navigation shop and threw one of his axes at him. Adrius barely had time to move as the axe shaved off some skin on his cheek like an apple. Lurco soon had another axe in his hand and charged at Adrius.
    Adrius only stared as Lurco closed the distance. Lurco had an opening and swung his axe to take Adrius' head. As Lurco swung, Adrius swiftly ducked, drove his fingers into Lurco's ribcage before rising up to bite down on Lurco's throat with crushing force.
    Adrius twisted his body and threw Lurco into a window frame. Lurco's back hit the wall as his legs continued through the window. The force from the throw had nowhere to go but out the window, taking Lurco with legs first while breaking his back against the window frame.
    Adrius soon followed out the window after Lurco.
    Lurco's struggles to breathe through a crushed windpipe were cut short when his lungs and brain stopped talking to each other. His legs were paralyzed and his arms were carved up from the broken glass. Lurco always felt pride at being a feared monster but at this moment, he felt terror screaming at him to flee this monster. He was unable to move or even breathe in his last few moments of panic. He wanted to run, he wanted to fight back; he didn't want to admit that it was all coming to an end.
    Lurco saw Adrius follow out the window and wanted to beg for his life. Maybe there was an afterlife to look forward to, maybe he could watch over the pack as a wandering spirit. Creeping in from the back of his dying mind came the fear and certainty that existance would end for him. He would soon be nothing but a mass of dead organic matter.
    He saw Adrius land on his chest and could only watch those dreadful fingers come between his eyes. He felt a sharp throb in the bridge of his nose, then nothing.