• I'm just a little girl..Eight years old. Bruises and cuts grace my pale skin. The dress I wore yesterday still sits on my shoulders, The teachers are afraid to ask 'What happened? Can I help?'. I wish I wasn't born. My mother never wanted me..

    Today I made a friend! Its the best day of my life! He lives right next door..

    I am her best friend... We met not to long ago..But I'm worried..

    One night I have to see. From my window I see her. Crying and covering her face. A lady is screaming at her..And...She hits her!? The lady kept hitting and kicking. I wanted to help..But what could I do..?

    My parents come to the window and scold me for 'spying on the neighbours' I shake my head. Pointing, yelling, crying.
    But by the time the police and ambulance got there...She was dead..My best friend..Was dead..The lady went to jail

    I stood by her coffin at the funeral. I smiled though the tears kept pouring from my eyes. I knew she would be in a better place...But I'm going to miss her...I already do..I walk away from the coffin...and the hole in the ground, the people and the minister. I know I would start screaming and crying if I kept watching..

    I run away into the feild. I can hear the laughter of children..But I can't see any around..

    Finally I'm free! Mommy cant hurt me anymore..I dance, run, and play with the other children who passed in the field...But the boy..My best friend runs over, his eyes pouring with tears. "Whats wrong..?" I ask. But no reply comes. I try grabbing his hand. He jumps. Glancing around. I simply giggle and start dancing around, twisting, spinning and laughing. He soon joins. I know he can't see me. But...This will be my good bye

    "...Goodbye..." is all I hear. It carries through the air, before It fades to nothing.."G...Goodbye.." I quickly reply. Though I know..She is already gone...She...She was a Concrete Angel...