• Preface

    When you're about to die, people say that you can see your whole life flash before your eyes. Well... Those people are right about that. But the thing is, I never thought it would happen to me so soon.

    Chapter 1

    When Ana was younger she lived her life with both parents and older brother around.
    "Anastasia! This is all you fault! Had you not of been born, we'd have enough money for everything to be better!" her father screamed at her. She flinched away like she was slapped on the face.
    "Dad, she's done nothing wrong!" her older brother, Dmitri had said calmly stepping between the both of them.
    "Move Dmitri, or face the consequences," their father snarled, but Dmitri stood his ground.
    "Ana, go to your room," Dmitri said through clenched teeth.
    Without hesitation Ana shot to her room, closing the door behind herself. Curling up in a ball she plugged her ears with her fore-fingers.
    She had never realized how much ime had gone until a warm, familiar hand touched her shoulder. Ana sat up instantly to find Dmitri standing beside her bed, a small trickle of blood running down his chin from a gash on his lower lip.
    "Oh Dommy!, Why would you let him do that to you?"
    Dmitri gave her a wry smile and said. "Because I'd rather it be me than my little sister"
    That was the earliest memory about her older brother. Not even a month later Ana's father kicked him out of the house with nothing but the clothes on his back. And then he was never seen again.
    From then on She was abused, beaten and told she was nothing. All up until 3 months ago when her father passed away.
    Ana leaned against the hood of her glossy black Impala. She looked around her new and 'Improved' neighborhood, and seeing everyone gawking her way, almost as though she were and alien.
    "What inviting neighbors we have here," She muttered mostly to herself.
    "Just act like you don't care," said a calm voice in her head.
    The deal with the voice in her head --Whom's name is Memphis-- had originally appeared to her in a dream one night. He had expained that she was of age to become who she was born to be. Which meant she would start to have visions of murders within the city of region she is in.He also told her that she recieved tracking powers so there was actually a better chance of saving people.
    Ove two months he appeared to her in person so he could train her in martial arts.
    Ana chuckled lowly under her breath and thought. "Yeah, that's just play it cool. That's totally the way to go."
    "Ana!" Kelly, the one person she could truly trust, skipped her way to Ana's side. "Oh my Gosh! I am so excited that you and Memphis decided to let me stay with you guys for a while!" Kelly hopped in place, squealing like a little girl.(Sad she's 4 months older than herself.)
    Ana smiles softly. "Yeah, it kicks a**."
    "Nice one," Said Memphis leaning against Ana's car beside her.
    At that Ana had no choice but to smirk in response.
    It only took a few hours to unpack all her boxes. Then she was left alone to relax a while, so Kelly decided to help Memphis with the rest of the place.
    "Ma-ow!" Came a softly cry when a beautiful kitten hopped onto Ana's lap.
    "Hey Cleo! I never thought you'd be out and about," Cleo rubbed her colourful face against Ana's cheek, purring.
    "So, Memph. Anything new and exciting going on?"
    "Not at the moment. I'm going to leave you for about 30 minutes, okay?"
    Ana nodded, knowing he would notice it, and then she was left alone petting Cleo while she purred like and engine. Until sleep managed to take over.


    Vincent sighed thinking over what he had to do
    1. Find Anastasia before Nero gets his hands on her
    2.Keep her safe until Nero is put down permanently.
    3. Keep away form Anastasia for good.
    This is what he had to do no matter what. Vincent ensed a presence in his room and turned to see Memphis sitting on his bed.
    "Is she here yet?" He asked leaning back in his computer chair.
    Memphis Nodded.
    "And do we know what Nero is doing right now?"
    "Not yet," Memphis replied."I haven't heard from Destiny yet."
    It was Vincent's turn to nod in response."When will we be hearing from her?"
    Memphis let out a log sigh. "To be honest with you... I have no idea. We'll just have to wait and see."
    Vincent leaned back further in his chair fiddling with a pencil, and tapping his foot. There was no noise in the room which made Vincent take a small look at Memphis.
    He sat still, staring blankly at the wall on the other side of the room.
    "Uhm.. Memphis?"
    Still staring her whispered quietly. "Ana had a vision," and then he was gone.

    Ana awoke suddenly, drenched in swear and trying to catch my breath. This was the normal routine after a vision. Looking at the clock I realized I didn't have much time left efore it became true.I jumped out of bed, careful not to make too much noise.
    "Memph? Are you here?" She asked telepathically.
    "Of course," said the gentle voice in her head.
    Ana dug into her closet for the duffel bag filled with the equipment. As quick as possible she changed into a white tank top, black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and high-heeled converse.
    Then she had to climb down the side of the house, being cautious not to wake Kelly up. She peered at the ground estimating the distance. Not too far. Close enough to jump.
    Swiftly, Ana climbed onto the window sill and dropped down.

    Destiny stalked down the dimly lit corridor of Nero's castle. Being 1:23 in the morning she was the only one awake in exception for Nero.
    His little plans for Anastasia, is what keeps him awake. But Destiny had no care in the world for him.
    Definately not after he treated her like she was a dog he owned. That's the reason she turned towards Memphis when she got the chance, to get what she's wanted most in her life.

    Ana landed gracefully on the balls of her feet, making no noise at all. She creeped towards the back of the house. Luckily Memphis left her black motorcycle there. Ana hopped on and sped towards her destination.
    Thankfully when her powers got stronger so did her memory. So Ana knew exactly how to get where she needed to go.
    She stopped her bike infront of an alley. When the motorcyle as off she was able to hear the screaming coming out of it.
    "Well, least I'm not too late," she muttered to herself, then started walking down the alley very casually, as though she were taking a midnight stroll. The heels of her converse made a light tapping noise that seemed to be loud in the long narrow alley.
    Eventually the alley way turned into a massie dead end.
    She slipped on her leather gloves, and glanced to the side corner to find a man close to raping a young girl. Ana had guessed around 16.
    "Hey there! How 'bout you pick on someone who will give ya more of an adrenaline rush!"
    The man's gazed raised to Ana's, and with a grin he let go of the girl.
    "You should watch your mouth little lady. You never know what could happen in these streets," he growled ferociously.
    Ana smirked, lifting an eyebrow and cocking her head to one side. "Try me."
    The rapist stomped the short distance in her direction. He reached one hand out towards her. Just inched before his fingers would meet the frabric of her leather jacket she took hold of his arm. Twisting until she heard a snap.
    He hollered in agony, while the young girl watched in horror.
    "Get out of here now!" Ana wasn't going to kill this man with a 16 year old as a witness. "And forget my face," she snapped angrily.
    The little girl flinched like she was slapped in the face. But either way picked up her bag and ran back down the alley. Her stilettoes making too many clicking noises for Ana's likings.
    She sighed with relief knowing the girl was now safe.But it was a bad idea to take her attention off the man. He managed to recover before she could.
    The blow to her chest had knocked all the air out of her lungs. Then her feet lifted off the ground. A sudden jolt of pain coursed throughout her own body when she slammed against the conctrete building.