• My target wasn't an easy one. An assasin's honor os his most important posession. I failed my mission and had my honor and my glory ripped from me. I resigned my own comission because of the incident.
    "Jake!" My old friend Paul exclaimed. "Stop living in the past! You're a buisness man now. Remember?"
    "Oh right. Of course. Now the easy part is forgetting why I'm standing in a store, in broad daylight, dressed up like a member of the Jesse James gang without the weapons!" I said with a mix of sarcasm and anger.
    "Don't be so negative Jake. It's not so bad."
    Well he isn't the one dressed up like a Jesse James member! I've noticed a lot of negative thinking lately but there's no point in helping it. "Yeah well do you remember how I lost everything? It was terrible!"
    "He heard his dog barking and moved out of the way! Honestly Jake get over it! I can help you learn how to live in the city."
    "Fine" I said sarcastically but I don't think he caught on to the sarcasm because 3 hours later he was giving me a seminar.
    "If someone is not moving out of your way what do you do?" He asked with a hopeful look on his face.
    "Beat 'em up?" I said completly honest.
    "Angels and demons save us all! That was your anwser to every question!New seminar!"
    3 hours later
    "What does he mean exact change?"I asked desperatly confused
    "You tell me it's part of the course."
    "Um... you don't know if you don't tell me." Trying to trick Paul.
    " Yes I do what does it mean."
    He wasn't falling for it "You live in this town and you don't know; how sad." Paul was smarter than I thought.
    "Paul I don't think this is working, I may as well go into a little house and not talk to anybody!"
    He perked up the idea "Great I'm tired of trying to teaching you everything and you failing!"

    I now live in a small home on the outskirts of town. I'm still a payed killer but I go by Shadow instead of Jake Roberts and I no longer wear 'suits'. I miss my life as an assasin from time to time but ah everybody does and therefore I consider my self normal and others abnormalso I'm fine without Paul's teachings. I haven't seen him in 10 years. That was my life's tragedy.