• In this magical land the sky is green the grass is blue and its boring like a bonjovi concert. It was a beautiful day in a town called 'Little Dale' and everyone was waking up after there long day before today. Tom the milkman had gotton up beforehand to deliver the milk and pat started to make the bread. It was a real paradise but there were those who sought to ruin the lives of people of 'Little Dale'.Rampant raving monsters like vampires, zombies, shadows and more.Everything was going fine until the monsters attacked without warning and stole the magic crystal that the people of 'little dale' were protecting.Inside this magic crystal there was the power to resurect the dark lord 'Armageddon'.

    This being was sealed away since the beginning of time by three warriors.These were Paulo the Lighting Fencer,Rena the Flame Archer and Rezzo the Red Priest.These three had possetion of three legendary weapons that were the only thing that could hurt armageddon.Luckily there were three warrior in this town who had found these weapons and passed the three trials that guarded the weapons.And so these three left the town with some supplies and headed after the monsters that took the crystal,in hopes of getting it back in time.After three long days they had caught up with the monsters,but it was too late they had resurected the dark lord.The warriors had thought they were done for but then they realised they revived him as a baby.They charged in and managed to kill the baby dark lord but to there dismay...they released something far more Evil