• Walking gentally through a great valley nestled between two mile-high moutains,is a man dressed fully in black with a cloak wrapped around him.His face shows what one would think to be the breathing filter of a gas mask around his mouth and a small plating of glass ,dyed black,covering his right eye.The rest of his fase was covered in the binds of the black cloak with his pure nocturnal hood continuing to even more mask his identity.He continues through a small path in the middle of night as he reaches a small wooden shed nestled inbetween several trees.He enters with the many sounds around him going off such as the hoot of owls and flicking tongues of snakes.The small building has only one large room with a table, three chairs, and several lanterns hanging on the walls.The mysterious man in the black cloak walks to the table to find a suitcase wich he picks up and opens.The contents shine in the oft glow of the lanterns as they appear to be several strange looking pieces of metal.The man quickly attachs all pieces together through locks and several clicking sounds to reveal...a perfectly crafted rifle.Then the black cloaked figure attachs a scope from wich he finds taped under the table., and several lanterns hanging on the walls.The mysterious man in the black cloak walks to the table to find a suitcase wich he picks up and opens.The contents shine in the glow of the lanterns as they appear to be several strange looking pieces of metal.The man quickly attachs all pieces together through locks and several clicking sounds to reveal...a perfectly crafted rifle.Then the black cloaked figure attachés a scope from which he finds taped under the table.Slowly,he walks out of the building and continues along a trail which leads around the ledge of a mountain.Once he reaches the ledge he creeps over slowly around a bush and goes prone.He now has a vantage point over a small industrial field with several workers going about,even as late as it is.The cloaked figure looks through the scope to see a man dressed in a fine suit with two other men atop the roof of a building.The two other men are both holding weapons.Through a clearer look he see's the one to the man's right is holding an AK-47,while the one on his left his holding an Uzi.The well dressed man looks over the workers and yells down at them while the so well hidden figure stalks over him.With one final look the figure aims at the upper body of the man and.........a near silent streaking sound comes from the end of the barrel as the bullet finds its why directly through the mans heart and he falls from the roof which he so proudly stood upon and lands in the thick mud below.The two body guards jump back in surprise,The assassin aims for one of them,but is suddenly hit with a hard blow to the back of his head a horrible crack from the sheer force of it rings out.Tumbling down the mountain side,the assassin lies with eyes closed on the soft grass far below from the ledge and soft breaths escaping his lips through the gas filter.