• ~Chapter 1~

    “Rayne Jade Addison get the hell up before I make you get up!” I heard Lea yelling into my ear. My first reaction was to punch her straight in the face, and tell her to lay off but instead I opened my eyes and glared at her. Her blonde hair was in its usual ponytail. She had on her pink tank top with “Just so effin fabulous” on the front, her light blue jean short shorts and her pink high heels on. Why she wore high heels to school was beyond me. Her nails were painted pink (no surprise!) and she had her silver heart necklace on. Its official, my sister is a slut. Lea and I were total opposites. Literally. She loved pink and hated everything else, I hated pink and liked everything else. She had luck with guys, I didn’t. She’s prep, and I’m punk. See? Complete opposites. I sat up.
    “Ok, I’m up. Happy?” I asked, majorly pissed off now.
    “Yes, Goth girl, I am.”
    “I’m not Goth. I’m punk. There is a difference.”
    “Whatever just hurry up and get ready. We start junior year today.” She announced in sing-song.
    “You say that like it’s a good thing. Don’t forget, we could have the same classes this year.” She groaned and at that moment I knew she forgot. I smiled.
    “Don’t remind me. Let’s just hope that doesn’t happen.” I help up my hands.
    “Hey, that makes two of us. Now get out of my room.” I told her. I watched her leave and when I saw the door closed I got up and walked over to my stereo. I turned it on and pressed play not caring what was in there. I walked over to my mirror and stared. My short ear length black hair looked like it run over by a tornado. I mean I’m not like Lea but I do like to look decent. I grabbed my brush and started running it through my hair. I stuck my black hat over it and walked over to my closet. I ended up putting on my black t-shirt with “Paranoid” on the front, black jeans with my Hollywood Dead wallet and chain in the back pocket, my black knee length lace up boots, black fingerless elbow length gloves, and my black lace choker.