• 8. 2nd thoughts

    Caleb’s face was cold with fear. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It was amazing. Though out his life Chad had never believed what Caleb had told him. But now Caleb had every right to say, I told you so.
    “Wait describes the room you fell in first?” Caleb asked.
    “It was large and grey and seemed like it was the size of the city. I walked for hours. It seemed like it was endless until I reached the corner witch is I found that mansion,” Chad said.
    “Man feels like déjà vu,” Caleb said. He sat there for a while thinking hard. He put his hands on his head. He sat there for about ten minutes remembering. My birth days. The bridge? The room! The monster!
    “Chad I’ve been there! The room with the monster, that one birth day. And did you say the mansion glowed, like ghost,” Caleb said.
    “Yes that sure fits the description,” Chad said. “It sure is weird- all of this- but what does it have to do with anything.”
    “Well all these weird things they must mean something,” Caleb said.
    Annie walked up to Chad. She had a weird look on her face. “Yeah it definitely does. Seems likes Annie has seen some strange stuff to.”
    Chad looked out side and looked at the snow. It covered the lawn. He saw a kid in the other yard he built a snow man. The snow man was terrible made. It had a hole in its middle part. Then the kid wrote some thing in the snow. He crushed the berries over the snow mans head. The berries were red. Then he took a match and set the snow man on fire. Then the boy ran away crying. Chad read the writing. Chad got dizzy he felt cold and scared. His limbs went limp. He collapsed and pasted out.
    Caleb went and tried to wake him up but nothing worked. Chad was pale. Caleb remembered what Chad was looking out of before this. Caleb looked out the window.

    here lies Chad

    The wind was rushing through Chad’s hair. There was a black pit beneath him. He fell for ten minutes. Then he fell on a white chair.
    “Hello,” Gage said.
    “Who are you,” Chad said.
    “Yah I’ve heard about you before. From this dude I met in a dream yesterday. I also saw this monster.”
    “First of all it wasn’t a dream. Second of all I’m part of the monster.”
    Chad got a confused look on his face. “Part of the monster? How does that work?” Chad said.
    Gage answered, “It’s a long story, you may never know.”
    “Well how much time do we have here?” Chad asked.
    “I don’t know. The time is always so random in this place.” Said gage.
    “Well were is this place?” Chad asked.
    “Blue glowing mansion. Well any way I need to get to the point of why you’re here. It’s so you can be educated Chad. Because many people are after you Chad and none of them are good guys. You and your friend, Caleb, entered a very pacific group of people when you first met the monster. And even more pacific when you deny-” his voice was muffled for a second “- sorry classified. But the thing is that you know more of what is happening around you then any one on the planet. See Chad you changed the plan. You did the unthinkable, wait no, it was some one else, you don’t know him but you were in the mix, you’ve caused a ripple in the everyone’s destiny. The thing is, god used to know almost every thing in the future and how to prevent it until this. Now no one knows. Not any one. What happens next, for the first time in history, is any one’s game, even the bad guy’s game. So since you know every one is pretty much tiring to kill you or abduct you for what is to come. The one person who knows all the answers and has experienced the whole thing isn’t even a person! So were in trouble. Every one is. And last night was as close as it gets. We need to be careful. Especially you Chad. And I’m so sorry you’ve become part of this. But you see I’ve been down just thinking with the ghost, or as you call them, the blue glow. We can’t figure out what is next! When you’re under ground information is skim. And now it is what matters. What ever you do you just need to stay as far as possible from the house I’m in. because there is danger on every corner for you Chad very specific danger that is hard to avoid and might seem good at first. Because Chad you’re a very weak man loaded with really strong information. What you know can either hurt or help. And right now all of the positions seem bad. The one message that is most necessary though is that there is a war that you are getting dangerously close to. But what you need to do is stay as far away as possible from it… oh crap… LEAVE!”
    Black, red, warm, shiver.

    “AHH!” Chad screamed.
    “Chad your awake you’ve been knock out for six days! I though you might miss that big shot one million bucks! It’s a good thing your awake now. You know I sort of that you were dead,” Caleb said.
    “Yeah so did I. what happened was really weird. I didn’t under stand a thing of it. It was probably the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen and heard. Man I feel so weird. I wish I knew what it all meant. I barely even remember. There’s just one thing. ‘Stay away from the new war’” Chad said. Then he got up and eats some cereal. He then wondered if it all had to do with the house. He guessed it probably didn’t.