• I worked all through the period through the art project not noticing i was ignoring Claire and Jelly, I thought I got a pretty good start on it, but not a great job, cause no one could tell what it is yet. Soon Mr. Walkman called out to the class that it was about five minutes till the bell rings. I gathered up my pottery and put in on the shelf next to the window. Then went over to the sink to wash my hands, which i have to say it might be harder to get the orange off your hands then to get yogurt out of your hair. I walked over to my desk to sit down and I joined in to listen to Claire's and Jelly's conversion about guys. Being new I didn't know most of the names, which was kinda a disadvantage during the conversion, although one or two names sticked out; nothing really special though. The conversion was slow to me because of that but soon enough the bell ringed and Mr. Walkman let us out of class, I waved good bye to Jelly and Claire, so I can go to my locker and to my next class.

    I got to my Math class, a little bit early unlike my other classes. I walked in and told the female teacher about me being new and such and she showed me my seat. A couple seconds later the class room flooded with people. Two minutes later the bell rang and the class has started. Though the teacher told my name and that I was new, she did not do the name go around. During the first minutes of algebra class, I looked out the window which was always a habit of mine. Two seats over I saw Jake, he looked over and waved, I waved back and then got back to work.

    The class was a little fast phased, but that actually made the class seem over in an instant. As I exited the Algebra teacher, Mrs. Howard, gave me some notes to help me catch up on what they have been doing this passed year. I thanked her and exited out of the classroom. As I walked through the hallway Jake seemed to catch up with me. We got in a lively conversation about the teachers at this school.

    "Hey, I was wondering since your new here and you don't know many people at this school, do you want to sit with me during lunch so you don't have to sit all alone." Jake said as we got to my locker.

    "Uh sure? But I promised Jelly that I would sit with her at lunch, maybe you can sit with us." I said a little bit confused for no reason.

    "Cool. That sounds great. I'll save you a seat, see you then." He said then walked down the hall.

    I put my stuff in my locker and toke out the check of money Grandma gave me for the lunch meals. Jelly came out of no where right next me.

    "Ready to go?" She said.

    "Yep! Lets go." I said and we headed out to the cafeteria.

    The cafeteria line was not as long as I thought it was. They were serving mash potatoes, pizza, and all kinds of salads and noodles. I just sticked with olive pizza, while Jelly got some mac and cheese. We headed over to a table when I saw Jake waving for us to come.

    "Um, Audrey, why is Jake waving at us?" Jelly said confused.

    "Oh, he asked and I told him we would sit with him..." I said hoping she wouldn't get mad.

    "Ok, I'm fine with that, its good to get out of routine sometimes." She said with a weak smile.

    "Hey Audrey!" Jake said.

    "Hi Jake." I replied.

    "And you must be Audrey's friend, Jelly," He said back.

    "Yep that's me!" Jelly said, joining the small conversion.

    "Cool, You guys this is my friends, Tyler and Kyle," Said Jake, pointing to the guys. Tyler was a moptop black haired man, with a hug pyshiphe of about 6'3 and Kyle had a more averge height with a dirty-blond curly hair and green eyes. When Jake pointed to them, Tyler just sat there standing cross armed, with a slight smile on his face, while Kyle gave us a huge grin and a peace sign.

    "Hey," Jelly and I said in unision, than sat down to eat.

    Through the lunch the aura was calm, yet lively. We talked and laughed neglected our food on our plate. Like Jake, as I predicted, were skateboarders, too and were actually nice, unlike some of the annoying boys at my last school. To think this is my first day of school and I already have friends. The down-side was Claire did not seem to have this lunch, but the next one instead. Though the lively conversion kept me from thinking about her to much. Jake said we should do this again sometime, and Jelly & Jake's friends agreed without hearing what I have to say, but I wouldn't have disagreed. Sadly, the lunch bell rang and we had to go back to class.