• Its was A stormy Night in Paris,France.Cara and me were running for our lives so The Killer wouldnt be on our trail.But....Slowly a Huge Howl came upon top the crumble tower of the Paris Statue.you'd think that it wouldnt be crumbled,but it was.it was like 2012.A Percing Screech came tumbling down off it agian.Cara Screamed and i shushed her mouth."What are you trying to do,Kill us?!"i Snapped.She shook her head,then screamed a agian."Awoooooooo!!!!"came a Wolfy Voice in reply.Some Rocks as big as a dinner plate came tumbling down,And me and Cara dodged it.a Wolf as big as a flat screen TV jumped right in front of us."Whhh!"Wailed Cara."Grrrr...."Growled the Wolf.Cara tried to run but the wolf howled and said"Were do you think your going my little Cara?"It screeched.Uh-oh.my heart stopped beating for seconds to figure out who it was.i tried to make out me and Cara's Past.then horror Shook my past.It was Steve!but how?how was steve a Wolf?"My little Jehna,your trying to think why i am a Wolf?Well..."he began telling us a story."When i wanted to revenge on human beings,i tried and failed.my planet,Ferduo,Was fun and peaceful.until your kind came.They killed half of our tribe and took our ansestors.i was only the only one left,exsept for my family.after yeas went,i built a rocket to earth.so i killed your people because i needed to.i wanted to.i killed half of N.A.S.A because they were the ones who killed my family.but one day,when i ventured home to my hometowns valcano to get the Sword of fire,a Gaurdian Called Scorchion Turned my wolf because he did not acsept the Anger I put into humans.so i came back and hunted you two down with my dog senses."He Explained."B-but why!?Why would you do this to us people when it was only N.A.S.A?!"Cried Cara."Because my sweet Cara,when i learned people love watc
    h Rockets launch into space,i knew they all had something in plan."All i had to do is make my face Red so enough,i Grew my secret Identity.If you never knew,Ill explain.im actully from the planet Pars.i come from a tribe who can turn fox or human.but i was born diffrent.i was born with the power to turn into any animal or pokemon.so as i was saying i grew my fox ears.then i howled,and Cara turned to me with a so called I-Think-I-Just-Saw-Jason Expression.i turned T-Rex,and Steve ran away Whining.Hehe....Another score.