• In the dark lands of Aires laid a very isolated city. A massive city of true terror. Their warriors were put through the most crucial and most horrible training. These demons were called, the Castalleans. A vast clan of warriors who were seen in awe. One warrior named Raven, fought the Gincosu Clan. He single handedly took on the entire clan. All, but one remained. His name. Genji Gincosu. A gruesome, graphic battle occurred between them. The battle waged on for 2 days straight. Raven stood at one side, drenched in dried blood and the smell of hard sweat. Genji stood at the other with the same appeals. They went at it again and collided, their weapons clashed. At last, Genji gave in. Raven threw him back and stood over him and was ready to strike. But then something in Raven stirred. He looked at Genji in sympathy. He spared his life. He saw great power within Genji as Genji saw great power in him as well. They swore a sacred mark onto each other. A seal that would control their demons. And from that moment on, they would be known as brothers. Best friends.