• I took my first step. It was just as I had imagined it. My long emerald skirt brushed against the concrete. "Darling! Welcome back!" I looked to my right to see a figure racing toward me. "Damion! I knew it was you! How is everything?" We each gave each other a air kiss. "Great! the boys have been building as always. We may just have our dream only 3 weeks away." I grinned and turned to the left. There was a building as high as a skyscraper and people everywhere. "That's a screwdriver, not a chainsaw you dimwit!" called one of the builders. I chuckled and asked him, "Where shall I stay?" He pointed north. I saw a great big hotel with the letters, Chameleon Suites. "Well honey, I'll see you later then!" I called back at him. I was on my way toward the suites. "Taxi!" I screamed. In 2 sceonds flat, a yellow buzzard machine raced toward me. "Hop in!" The driver screamed.